magistrsko diplomsko delo
Anja Valantič (Author), Barbara Novak (Mentor)


Otrokova korist je osnovno vodilo družinskega prava. Posebno pozornost otrokovi koristi namenja tudi Družinski zakonik, ki je stopil v veljavo 15. aprila 2019 in nadomešča prej veljavni Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih. Z Družinskim zakonikom je pravni standard otrokove koristi povzdignjen na raven načela. Na ta način je zakonodajalec poudaril pomen te vrednote in dokončno uveljavil primarni položaj otroka in otrokove koristi v družinskem pravu. Primarno vlogo pri skrbi za otroka in otrokovo korist je Družinski zakonik zaupal staršem, k varstvu otrokove koristi v vseh dejavnostih in postopkih pa je zavezal tudi vse druge, ki so v kakršnikoli zvezi z otrokom. Ko starši neustrezno izvajajo starševsko skrb in s tem ogrožajo otrokovo korist, nastopi obveznost države, da poseže v družinska razmerja in zavaruje otroka ter njegove koristi. Družinski zakonik prinaša tudi spremembe na področju razdelitve pristojnosti med državnimi organi, ki skrbijo za varstvo otrokove koristi. Za temeljni instituciji varstva otrokove koristi Družinski zakonik postavlja sodišče in center za socialno delo, ki sta v okviru svojih pristojnosti dolžna izvesti vsa potrebna dejanja in ukrepe za zavarovanje otrokove koristi. Novost, ki jo prinaša Družinski zakonik, je tudi enoten sistem ukrepov za varstvo koristi otroka, ki jih sodišče izreka, ko je otrokova korist ogrožena. Ukrepe za varstvo otrokove koristi Družinski zakonik deli na začasne odredbe, nujni odvzem otroka in ukrepe trajnejšega značaja. Magistrsko diplomsko delo predstavlja ukrepe trajnejšega značaja med katere sodijo: omejitev starševske skrbi, odločitev o zdravniškem pregledu ali zdravljenju, omejitev ali odvzem pravice do stikov, odvzem otroka staršem, namestitev otroka v zavod in odvzem starševske skrbi. Ukrepi trajnejšega značaja so namenjeni varstvu osebnih in premoženjskih koristi otroka. O ukrepih trajnejšega značaja odloča sodišče, ki pri odločitvi upošteva mnenje centra za socialno delo.


družinsko pravo;otroci;otrokove koristi;ukrepi za varstvo otrokove koristi;ukrepi trajnejšega značaja;Družinski zakonik;Slovenija;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Valantič]
UDC: 347.61(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 15190787 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1216
Downloads: 360
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Long-term measures for protection of best interests of a child
Secondary abstract: Best interests of a child are a primary consideration of family law. Special attention is also placed to best interests of a child by the Family Code, which entered into force on April 15 2019, and substituted previously valid Marriage and Family Relations Act. The Family Code elevates the legal standard of best interests of a child to a level of a legal principle. This way the legislator emphasized the importance of this value and firmly established the primary position of a child and their best interests in family law. The Family Code entrusts the primary role in child’s care and in safeguarding best interests of a child to their parents, as well as requires anybody with a connection to the child to protect their interests in all activities and processes. When parents perform their parental duty inadequately, it is the duty of the state to intervene in family relationships and protect the child and their best interests. Family Code also brings changes to the distribution of competence between national authorities that protect the best interests of a child. The Family Code names the courts and social services as the main institutions for carrying out all the necessary actions and measures within their competence for the protection of best interests of a child. A novelty brought by the Family Code is a unified system of measures for protection of interests of a child, that the court imposes when such interests are threatened. The Family Code divides measures for protection of best interests of a child in three groups: temporary regulations, emergency removal of a child and long-term measures. This master thesis presents long-term measures that include: restriction of parental care, decision about medical examination or treatment, restriction or removal of the right to parental contact, child removal, placement of a child in an institution and removal of parental care. Long-term measures are intended for protection of personal interests and proceeds of the child. The court decides on the implementation of long-term measures, while taking into the account the opinion of social services.
Secondary keywords: children;best interests of a child;measures for protection of best interests of a child;long-term measures;Family Code;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 51 f.
ID: 11677118
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