magistrsko diplomsko delo
Manja Bilandžija (Avtor), Barbara Novak (Mentor)


Šele ko straši zatajijo pri izvrševanju svoje pravice in dolžnosti, da skrbijo za svojega otroka, je država zaradi varstva koristi otroka upravičena in dolžna poseči v pravico in dolžnost staršev. Država ima na voljo različne ukrepe za varstvo koristi otroka, tudi ukrep ločitve otroka od njegovih staršev. Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih v postopku ločitve otroka od staršev ne zagotavlja učinkovitega varstva otrokove koristi. O ločitvi otroka od staršev odločata center za socialno delo v upravnem postopku in sodišče v pravdnem oziroma nepravdnem postopku, kar je v nasprotju z načelom enakega varstva pravic. Ob trku upravne in sodne pristojnosti nastopijo številna pravna vprašanja, kar zmanjšuje pravno varnost. Center za socialno delo ni ustrezen kot organ odločanja o ločitvi otroka od staršev, saj v postopku nastopa v več nezdružljivih vlogah, upravni postopek pa staršem in otroku ne zagotavlja temeljnih pravic. Celovito varstvo otrokove korist v postopku ločitve otroka od staršev ni mogoče, ker v tem postopku v večini primerov ni možno odločiti še o drugih pravicah in dolžnostih, ki jih imajo starši do otroka niti o nadomestni skrbi za otroka, ki je v pristojnosti centra za socialno delo. Družinski zakonik, ki nadomešča Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih, z namenom, da se zagotovi celovito in kvalitetno varstvo koristi otroka, uvaja korenite spremembe. Pristojnost za odločanje o ločitvi otroka od staršev je, z izjemo nujnega odvzema otroka, prenesena na nepristransko sodišče, ki odloča v nepravdnem oziroma pravdnem postopku. V postopku ločitve otroka od staršev je sodišče pristojno odločiti tudi o drugih pravicah in dolžnostih staršev ter o nadomestni skrbi za otroka. Pri tem je vloga centra za socialno delo strokovne in svetovalne narave ter nudenje podpore sodišču.

Ključne besede

družinsko pravo;poseg države;ukrepi za varstvo otrokove koristi;odvzem otroka;odvzem roditeljske pravice;odvzem starševske skrbi;nadomestna skrb za otroka;Slovenija;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Bilandžija]
UDK: 347.61/.64(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 16314449 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1226
Št. prenosov: 381
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Separation of the child from the parents as a measure of the state
Sekundarni povzetek: Only when parents fail to exercise their right and duty to care for their child, the state is entitled and obliged to interfere with the right and duty of the parents in order to protect the best interests of the child. At its disposal, the state has several measures for the protection of the best interests of the child, among which the separation of the child from the parents. Marriage and Family Relations Act does not ensure an efficient protection of the best interests of the child in the process of separating the child from the parents. The separation of the child from the parents is decided upon by the social work centre in an administrative procedure and the court in a civil or non-contentious civil procedure, which is in contrast with the principle of equal protection of rights. Numerous legal issues arise when the administrative and court jurisdictions collide, which decreases legal certainty. The social work centre is not suitable as an authority on deciding about the separation of the child from the parents, since it plays several incompatible roles in the process, and the administrative procedure fails to guarantee fundamental rights to the parents and the child. A comprehensive protection of the best interests of the child in the procedure of separating the child from the parents is not possible, since in most cases in this procedure it is not possible to decide also on other rights and duties the parents have towards their child, and neither on the alternative care of the child, which is the responsibility of the social work centre. The Family Code, replacing the Marriage and Family Relations Act, is introducing radical changes with the intention of ensuring a comprehensive and quality protection of the best interests of the child. The competence to decide on the separation of the child from the parents is, with the exception of an urgent removal of the child, transferred to an impartial court which will rule in a non-contentious civil procedure or civil procedure. In the procedure of separating the child from the parents the court is also competent to decide on other rights and duties of the parents and on the alternative care of the child. The role of the social work centre in this is to offer professional advice and assist the court in the procedure.
Sekundarne ključne besede: family law;children;state intervention;measures for the protection of the best interests of the child;removal of the child;deprivation of parental authority;removal of the child from parental care;alternative care for the child;Slovenia;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Strani: 46 f.
ID: 10958517