diplomsko delo
Tjaša Mediževec (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, teoretičnega in empiričnega. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni zakoni, ki pravno urejajo otrokove pravice, nasilje nad otroki in spolno izkoriščanje v Sloveniji in Evropi. Opisano je spoznavanje otrok s telesom in z deli telesa, v tem poglavju je predstavljena tudi slikanica Bojane Urbančič Jaz vem, kako sem se rodil (1999). V naslednjem poglavju so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča za analiziranje pravljic, in sicer teorija Marjane Kobe in Vladimirja Proppa. Predstavljena je knjiga Alojzije Zupan Sosič V tebi se razraščam: antologija erotične poezije (2008), kjer so predstavljene razlike med ljubezensko, erotično in pornografsko poezijo. Predstavljene so slikanice in dva članka, prvi je članek Marie Nikolajeve Verbalno in vizualno – slikanica kot medij (2003) ter članek Jo Lampert Sh-h-h-h: Representation of perpetrators of sexual child abuse in picture books (2011). V empiričnem delu so analizirane tri slikanice, in sicer slikanica Andreja Šavlija O povodnem možu (1972), slikanica Neli Kodrič Filipić Punčka in velikan (2009) ter slikanica, ki jo je izdal Council of Europe Kiko and the hand (2011). Slikanica Andreja Šavlija je primerjana z dvema različicama, in sicer s pravljico Jelene Žoekševe O povodnem možu (1979) in pravljico Ivana Majcigerja O povodnem možu (2004). Zapisan je intervju z gospo Vlasto Nussdorfer na temo spolnih zlorab. Predstavljeni so rezultati ankete, izvedene med pedagoškimi delavci Vrtca Škofja Loka.


spolne zlorabe;prikrita spolnost;slikanice;otroci;motivi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Mediževec]
UDC: 373.2.016:82-343(043.2)
COBISS: 16519683 Link will open in a new window
Views: 378
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Discussing the motive of sexuality in selected picture books
Secondary abstract: The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part presents the laws that regulate children's rights, violence against children and sexual exploitation in Slovenia and Europe. Familiarizing children with the body and body parts is described, as well as the picture book by Bojana Urbančič, I Know How I Was Born (1999). The following section presents theoretical starting points for the analysis of fairy tales, namely the theory of Marjana Koba and Vladimir Propp. The book by Alojzija Zupan Sosič I am growing up in you: an anthology of erotic poetry (2008) is presented, where the differences between love, erotic and pornographic poetry are described. The picture book and two articles are presented, the first article Verbal and Visual - The Picture book as a Medium (2003) is written by Maria Nikolajeva and the second one is from Jo Lampert Sh-h-h-h: Representing Child Sex Offenders in picture books (2011). In the empirical part, three picture books were analyzed, namely the picture book by Andrej Šavli About the Water Man (1972), the picture book by Neli Kodrič Filipić Little Girl and the Giant (2009) and the picture book published by the Council of Europe Kiko and the Hand (2011). Andrej Šavli’s picture book is compared to two versions, namely the fairy tale by Jelena Žoekševa About the Water Man (1979) and the fairy tale by Ivan Majciger About the Water Man (2004). An interview with Ms. Vlasta Nussdorfer on sexual abuse was recorded. The results of a survey conducted among the teaching staff of the Škofja Loka Kindergarten are presented.The results of a survey conducted among the teaching staff of the Škofja Loka Kindergarten are presented.
Secondary keywords: fairy tale;pre-school child;pravljica;predšolski otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 68 str.
ID: 11724075