diplomsko delo
Maja Borišek (Author), Barbara Sicherl-Kafol (Mentor), Petra Brdnik Juhart (Co-mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti odnos otrok in vzgojiteljice do ljudske glasbe ter preučiti vključevanje glasbenih dejavnosti na tematiko ljudske glasbe v dnevno rutino ob sodelovanju ljudskih pevcev in godcev. V teoretičnem delu je uvodoma predstavljen Vrtec Litija, v katerem je bil izveden projekt »Ljudska glasba naj postane naša dnevna rutina«. V nadaljevanju je podrobneje opisana ljudska glasba, med katero uvrščamo ljudske pesmi, ljudska glasbila in ljudske plese. Teoretični del zaokroži otroška ljudska glasba. V empiričnem delu s kvalitativno raziskavo preučujem odnos vzgojiteljice in otrok skupine iz Vrtca Litija do ljudske glasbe. V skupini otrok, starih 4 in 5 let, sem izvedla enomesečni projekt »Ljudska glasba naj postane naša dnevna rutina«, v katerega sem vključila vse tri elemente ljudske glasbe: pesem, glasbila in ples. Za izvedbo sem načrtovala učne priprave, ki sem jih oblikovala s pomočjo strokovne glasbene literature. Izsledki kažejo na pozitiven odnos vzgojiteljice do ljudske glasbe, vendar je kljub temu ne vključuje pogosto v glasbene dejavnosti. Med vzroki vzgojiteljica izpostavlja pomanjkljivost literature, pomanjkanje znanja in nezaupanje. Otroci ljudsko glasbo sprejemajo aktivno, sodelujejo pri njenem raziskovanju ter jo vključujejo v spontane dejavnosti in dnevno rutino. Pripravljeni so sprejemati novosti in sodelovati s pevci in godci, ki širijo ljudsko izročilo.


otroška ljudska glasba;glasbene dejavnosti;Vrtec Litija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Borišek]
UDC: 373.2.016:78(043.2)
COBISS: 17584899 Link will open in a new window
Views: 522
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Folk music in the Kindergarten Litija
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the diploma thesis is to determine the attitude of children and the educator towards folk music and to study the inclusion of musical activities on the theme of folk music in the daily routine with the inclusion of folk singers and musicians. The theoretical part introduces the Litija Kindergarten in which the project "Folk music should become our daily routine" was implemented. In the following part, folk music is described in more detail, which includes folk songs, folk instruments and folk dance. The last part of the theoretical part is devoted to children's folk music. In the empirical part, I study the attitude of the educator and children from the group in the Litija Kindergarten towards folk music with a qualitative research. In a group of children aged 4-5, I implemented a one-month project "Folk music should become our daily routine", in which I included all three elements of folk music: songs, musical instruments and dance. For the implementation, I planned teaching preparations which I designed with the help of professional music literature. The results show a positive attitude of the educator towards folk music, but she still does not include it often in music activities. Among the causes, the educator emphasises the lack of literature, lack of knowledge and mistrust. Children actively accept folk music, participate in its research and include it in spontaneous activities and daily routine. They are ready to accept novelties and collaborate with singers and musicians who spread the folk tradition.
Secondary keywords: folk music;pre-school child;ljudska glasba;predšolski otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.,Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 92 str.
ID: 11779240
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