diplomsko delo
Žan Grošelj (Author), Goran Vukovič (Mentor)


Ob poplavi informacij, razvoju novih izdelkov in tehnologij, ki smo jim priča na vsakodnevni ravni, samo oglaševanje podjetij in njihovih izdelkov oziroma storitev žal ne zadošča več. Uspešna podjetja poleg odlične kakovosti izdelkov, konkurenčnih cen, hitrih dobavnih rokov in klasičnega oglaševanja ponujajo še nekaj več, da obdržijo obstoječe, pridobijo nove kupce in da se še naprej razvijajo. Razvoj uspešnih podjetij temelji poleg vsega naštetega tudi na pospeševanju prodaje, ki je osrednja tematika diplomskega dela. V delu smo se osredotočali na pospeševanju prodaje v proizvodnem podjetju na medorganizacijskem trgu, ki smo jo preučili na primeru podjetja VistlerPlast, ki proizvaja izdelke in polizdelke iz plastičnih mas v Osrednjeslovenski regiji. Problem, ki ga zaznavamo, vidimo v občutno manjši prodaji malih proizvodnih podjetij od pričakovane. Zato smo si zadali cilj, da poiščemo odgovor na vprašanje, na kakšen način lahko proizvodno podjetje na medorganizacijskem trgu poveča in pospeši prodajo svojih izdelkov. Ugotovili smo, da so glavni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na izbor dobavitelja zanesljivost, sodobna proizvodna linija in sodelovanje pri razvoju novih izdelkov s strani dobavitelja. Opredelili smo položaj podjetja VistlerPlast glede na konkurenco v Osrednjeslovenski regiji, s primerjanjem parametrov, ki imajo največji vpliv na izbiro določenega dobavitelja. Parametri so pokazali, da ima podjetje veliko konkurenčnih prednosti in le tri slabosti, ki so slabo oziroma nezadostno marketinško pojavljanje, ter nabavna in prodajna moč. Skozi teoretični in empirični del smo tako pridobivali odgovore na naša zastavljena vprašanja, na koncu pa smo v zaključni fazi diplomskega dela podali rešitve, kako s pomočjo pospeševanja prodaje podjetje izboljša svoje poslovne rezultate.


prodaja;marketing;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [Ž. Grošelj]
UDC: 339.138
COBISS: 20074755 Link will open in a new window
Views: 671
Downloads: 78
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sales promotion in a manufacturing company
Secondary abstract: With the flood of information, the development of new products and technologies that we see on a daily basis, unfortunately only classic advertising of companies and their products or services is no longer sufficient. Successful companies, in addition to excellent product quality, competitive prices, fast delivery times and classic advertising, offer even more to retain existing ones, gain new customers and continue to evolve. The development of successful companies is based, among other things, on sales promotion, which is a central theme of the thesis. In the thesis we focused on sales promotion in a manufacturing company on the B2B market, which was examined on the case of the company VistlerPlast, which manufactures plastic products and semi-finished products in the Osrednjeslovenska region. The problem we noticed is seen in the significantly lower sales of small manufacturing companies than expected. Therefore, we have set ourselves the goal of finding the answer to the question of how a manufacturing company can increase and promote sales of its products in business to business market.We found that the main factors influencing the selection of a supplier are reliability of supplier, a modern production line and cooperation in the development of new products by the supplier. We defined the position of VistlerPlast in relation to the competition in the Osrednjeslovenska region, by comparing the parameters that have the greatest impact on the choice of a particular supplier. The parameters showed that the company has many competitive advantages and only three disadvantages, which are poor or insufficient marketing appearance, as well as purchasing and sales power. Through the theoretical and empirical part, we obtained answers to our questions and in the end in the final part of the thesis, we provided answers on how can a company improve business results with the help of sales promotion.
Secondary keywords: sales promotion;business to business market;marketing;purchasing business;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: V, 44 f.
ID: 11801510