diplomsko delo
Študentsko delo je poleg začasnih pogodb, agencijskega dela in samozaposlitve ena od najpogostejših nestandardnih oblik dela mladih na slovenskem trgu dela. Osnovno raziskovalno vprašanje v nalogi je bilo, kakšne vrste tveganj za prekarnost obstajajo pri študentskem delu in s kakšnimi izkušnjami in negotovostmi glede delovnih pogojev se v praksi soočajo študentje pri opravljanju študentskega dela. Študenti, ki so bili vključeni v empirično raziskavo, so med pozitivnimi izkušnjami navajali možnost dodatnega zaslužka, izboljšanje zaposljivosti, možnost prožnega prilagajanja dela in študija ter enostaven postopek vključitve v delo. Primerjava študentskega dela s standardno zaposlitvijo je pokazala obstoj številnih prikrajšanj delavskih pravic pri študentskem delu zlasti na področju varstva zaposlitve, plačila in socialne varnosti. Intervjuvanci so kot največje pomanjkljivosti študentskega dela navajali premajhno plačilo, večje izkoriščanje in dejstvo, da nimajo enakih bonitet in varstva, kot jih nudi redna zaposlitev (bolniška, dopust). Poleg tega se je s kršitvami pravic srečala polovica študentov, ki so bili vključeni v empirično raziskavo, med najpogostejšimi kršitvami pa so intervjuvanci navajali težave z izplačili zaslužka (zamujanje s plačili, neizplačila). Zaključna ugotovitev je, da sta tako teoretična kot empirična analiza potrdili temeljno hipotezo, da je študentsko delo primer prekarnega dela.
študentsko delo;prekarno delo;študenti;delovni pogoji;Študentje;Prekarno delo;Zaposljivost;Diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences |
Publisher: |
[J. Šoltes] |
UDC: |
331.5-057.875(043.2) |
Views: |
537 |
Downloads: |
187 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Student Work as an Example of Precarious Work |
Secondary abstract: |
In addition to temporary contracts, temporary agency work and self-employment, student work is one of the most common non-standard forms of work among young people on the Slovene labour market. This thesis focuses on the types of risks for precariousness that prevail in student work, and the experiences and insecurities regarding working conditions students are facing. Among the positive experiences which have been pointed out by the students who have participated in the empirical research were the possibility of additional earnings, better employability, a flexible timetable which allows them to balance their work and studies, and an uncomplicated inclusion in the work process. A comparison of student work and standard employment has shown the existence of several cases of labour rights deficit in student work, especially in the field of employment protection, earnings, and social security. The interviewees stated that the biggest shortcomings of student work were insufficient pay, greater exploitation, and the fact that they do not have the same benefits and protection in comparison to workers in regular work (sick leave, leave). In addition, half of the students who were included in the empirical research encountered violations of rights. Among the most common violations the interviewees cited were problems with the payment (late payments and non-payments). In conclusion, both the theoretical and the empirical analysis confirmed the fundamental hypothesis, which was that student work is in fact an example of precarious work. |
Secondary keywords: |
student work;precarious work;student;working conditions;Students;Precarious employment;Employability;Graduate theses; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede |
Pages: |
43 str. |
ID: |
11884495 |