diplomski projekt
Gašper Pirc (Author), Manja Kitek Kuzman (Reviewer), Katarina Čufar (Mentor), Maks Merela (Co-mentor)


Opravili smo raziskavo lesa na Vdmkovem kozolcu v Domžalah. Kozolec je sestavljen iz toplarja, stegnjenega kozolca in lope. Toplar je bil po ustnih virih prestavljen iz okolice Ljubljane okoli leta 1930, pri čemer je bil nekoliko predelan. Izmerili smo dimenzije vseh delov objekta, naredili računalniški izris, določili vgrajene lesne vrste, starost glavnih konstrukcijskih delov kozolca in količine uporabljenih lesnih vrst. S pomočjo makroskopske in mikroskopske identifikacije smo ugotovili, da so za kozolec uporabili les hrasta (Quercus sp.) in smreke (Picea abies). S pomočjo dendrokronološke analize smo ugotovili, da so najmlajše branike petih stebrov toplarja nastale v letih 1829-1832, kar glede na ohranjeno količino beljave kaže, da je bil toplar postavljen neposredno po letu 1832, torej približno 100 let preden je bil prestavljen na današnje mesto. Datirani stebri stegnjenega kozolca, so bili nekoliko starejši, v njem in v lopi pa smo odkrili tudi ponovno uporabljen les iz drugih objektov. S pomočjo programa SolidWorks smo izrisali objekt in izračunali količine vgrajenega lesa. V objektu je približno 8 m3 hrastovine, ki so jo uporabili za izdelavo 54 elementov, ki so bolj izpostavljeni vremenskim dejavnikom. Smrekovine je skoraj 37 m3. Iz nje je izdelano 906 elementov kozolca, in sicer ostrešje, rante in vsi deli, ki niso pretirano izpostavljeni. Toplar kot največji del objekta sestavlja 588, stegnjeni kozolec 95, lopo pa 277 lesenih elementov. Naloga predstavlja prvo raziskavo, kjer smo uporabili natančno identifikacijo lesa, dendrokronološko datiranje in natančno izračunali količine vgrajenega lesa.


kozolec;toplar;kmečka arhitektura;leseni objekti;Slovenija;dendrokronologija;tridimenzionalni izris;identifikacija lesa;količine lesa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [G. Pirc]
UDC: 728.94:630*561.24
COBISS: 2134921 Link will open in a new window
Views: 344
Downloads: 105
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Age and amount of different types of wood in the Vdmk double hayrack from Domžale, Slovenia
Secondary abstract: We investigated wood of the Vdmk hayrack, located in Domžale, Slovenia. The hayrack consists of a double hayrack (toplar), a stretched hayrack and a shed. According to oral information, the double hayrack was moved from the surroundings of Ljubljana to its current location around 1930. When it was re-erected, its construction was changed slightly. We measured the dimensions of all wooden elements of the hayrack, made computer drawings, identified the wood species, defined the age of the main structural parts and calculated the quantities of the timber types in the entire structure. Macroscopic and microscopic wood identification showed that the wood species used were oak (Quercus sp.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Dendrochronology helped us to date the outermost (the youngest) tree rings of five pillars of the double hayrack to 1829-1832. Based on these dates and on the amount of the preserved sapwood we assume that the double hayrack was built in 1832 or soon after; this is about a 100 years before it was moved to the present location. The pillars of the stretched hayrack are slightly older than the ones of the double hayrack. In the stretched hayrack and shed we identified some reused timber. With the help of the SolidWorks program we plotted the whole building and calculated the amounts of timber. The hayrack contains approximately 8 m3 of oak from which 54 elements are made. The construction contains almost 37 m3 of spruce timber, from which 906 elements are made. The oak is used for the more exposed parts and the spruce for the less exposed ones. The double hayrack, as the largest part of the building, consists of 588 elements, whereas the stretched hayrack consists of 95 and the shed of 277 elements. This thesis represents the first research in which we jointly used exact wood identification, dendrochronological dating and calculated the amounts of timber used to build the hayrack.
Secondary keywords: hay-rack;rural architecture;wooden building;Slovenia;dendrochronology;three dimensional plotting;wood identification;quantities of wood;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za lesarstvo
Pages: VIII, 39 f., [6] f. pril.
ID: 11904360
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