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Teja Zalar (Author), Francka Lovšin (Mentor)


Oblačila predstavljajo pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju identitete mladostnikov in prispevajo k njihovi samozavesti. Zato so mladi eni izmed največjih povpraševalcev na trgu oblačil in tekstilnih izdelkov. Pri impulzivnem nakupovanju vedno novih oblačil, ki bodo »osvežila« našo omaro, pa vse pogosteje pozabljamo, kakšen davek okolje plačuje zaradi proizvodnje oblačil. V zadnjem desetletju so se na trgu začela pojavljati ekološka oblačila, ki so okolju prijaznejša alternativa masovni proizvodnji nizkokakovostnih tekstilnih izdelkov in oblačil. Vendar pa so ekološka oblačila, zaradi višje cene in nekoliko manj privlačnega videza, še vedno druga izbira potrošnikov. S pomočjo skupinskega pogovora znotraj fokusnih skupin v 6. in 8. razredu smo želeli ugotoviti, ali so učenci ozaveščeni o negativnih vplivih tekstilne industrije na okolje. Zanimalo nas je tudi, na kakšen način si razlagajo termin zeleno nakupovanje. Prav tako smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšen pomen učenci 6. in 8. razreda pripisujejo obleki, blagovnim znamkam in ali so pri nakupu oblačil pozorni na njihovo surovinsko sestavo in izvor. Raziskati smo želeli tudi, kako se razlikuje ravnanje s kupljenimi oblačili med učenci 6. in 8. razreda. V raziskavi so sodelovali učenci 6. in 8. razreda osnovne šole. Izvedenih je bilo 8 fokusnih skupin, 4 v 6. razredu in 4 v 8. razredu. Skupine, v katerih je pogovor potekal, so vsebovale od 6 do 8 naključno izbranih učencev. Ugotovili smo, da je ozaveščenost učencev tako 6. kot tudi učencev 8. razreda dobra. Zavedajo se posledic tekstilne industrije na okolje in predlagajo rešitve, s katerimi lahko omilimo njene negativne vplive. Izraz zeleno nakupovanje je bolj znan učencem 6. razreda, vendar si ga učenci 8. razreda razlagajo na podoben način, kot učenci 6. razreda. Obleka in blagovne znamke oblačil so učencem 8. razreda v primerjavi s 6. razredom bolj pomembna, saj z njimi naredijo vtis na prijatelje in vrstnike. Tudi pri nakupu oblačil so na surovinsko sestavo in izvor oblačil manj pozorni učenci 8. kot učenci 6. razreda. Glavni faktor nakupa je zanje izgled in cena izdelka, medtem ko so učenci 6. razreda pozorni na kvaliteto, material in udobnost obleke. Učenci 6. razreda oblačila nosijo toliko časa, dokler so jim prav, do dotrajanosti ali dokler se jih ne naveličajo. Rabljena oblačila podarijo znancem ali dobrodelnim organizacijam (Humana, Rdeči križ, Karitas), enako storijo tudi učenci 8. razreda. Oblačila slednji v večini nosijo, dokler se jih ne naveličajo.


tekstilna industrija;onesnaževanje okolja;odnos do oblačil;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Zalar]
UDC: 64(043.2)
COBISS: 23336707 Link will open in a new window
Views: 333
Downloads: 35
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Primary studentsʹ awareness about the importance of green shopping nad responsible treatment of textile products
Secondary abstract: Clothing plays an important role in establishing the identity of adolescents, and contributes to their self-confidence. This is one of the reasons, why young people are one of the largest consumers in the clothing and textile market. When impulsively buying new clothes that will "refresh" our wardrobe, we increasingly forget what kind of impact the clothes has on the environment. In the last decade, organic clothing has started to appear on the market, which is environmentally more friendly alternative to mass production of low-quality textiles and clothing. However, organic clothing, due to its higher price and less attractive appearance, is still consumer second choice. Through a group discussion within focus groups in 6th and 8th grade, we wanted to find out if students are aware of the negative impacts of the textile industry on the environment. We were also interested in how they interpret the term green shopping. We also wanted to find out what importance 6th and 8th grade students attach to clothing, brands, and whether they pay attention to their material and origin when buying clothes. We also wanted to investigate how the treatment of purchased clothes differs between 6th and 8th grade students. 6th and 8th grade elementary school students participated in the research. There were 8 focus groups, 4 in 6th grade and 4 in 8th grade. The groups in which the conversation took place consisted of 6 to 8 randomly selected students. We found that the awareness of both, 6th and 8th grade students is good. They are aware of the impact of textile industry on the environment, and can suggest solutions that can mitigate its negative effects. The term green shopping is better known to 6th graders, but 8th graders can interpret it in a similar way. Clothing and branded clothing are more important to 8th graders compared to 6th graders, as they are more inclined to impress their friends. Even when buying clothes, 8th grade students pay less attention to the material and origin of clothes than 6th grade students. The main factor of purchase for 8th grade students is the appearance and price of the product, while 6th grade students pay attention to the quality, material and comfort of the clothes. 6th graders wear clothes as long as they are big enough, are not torn, or until they still like them. Compared to 6th grade, 8th grade students mostly wear clothes until they get tired of them. Used clothes from 6th and 8th grade students are donated to relatives, friends or charities (Humana, Red Cross).
Secondary keywords: home economics;primary education;gospodinjstvo;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje
Pages: 53 str.
ID: 11913326