(diplomsko delo)
Kaja Koštomaj (Author), Jadranka Stričević (Mentor), Nina Šenica (Co-mentor), Monika Pevec (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Mejna osebnostna motnja je kronična psihiatrična motnja, za katero so značilne čustvena nestabilnost, težave v medosebnih odnosih in nadzoru. Raziskave kažejo, da se lahko mejna osebnostna motnja diagnosticira pred 18. letom starosti in da se pri mladih nadaljuje v odraslo dobo. Med strokovnjaki je danes mejna osebnostna motnja še vedno najbolj stigmatizirana diagnoza med osebnostnimi motnjami pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Metode: V teoretičnem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, v empiričnem delu pa smo podatke pridobili s pomočjo vprašalnika, ki ga je rešilo 80 študentov zaključnih letnikov programa zdravstvene nege in 50 medicinskih sester s področja pediatrije. Podatki so bili analizirani s pomočjo Microsoft Excel ter zaradi lažje berljivosti prikazani v odstotkih. Rezultati: Glede na podane rezultate se znanje zdravstvenih delavcev in študentov bistveno ne razlikuje. Pri pristopu smo lahko zaznali odstopanja v znanju tako zdravstvenih delavcev kot študentov. Večina anketiranih je menilo, da je prav, da bi otroku omogočili vso podporo pri neposrednem komuniciranju, pri izpolnjevanju neposrednih nalog in osebnih odgovornosti. Cilj zdravstvene nege in zdravljenja pa je ravno obraten. Vsi stremimo, da bo otrok oz. mladostnik odrasel v samostojno in odgovorno osebo. Razprava: Kljub temu da rezultate ne moremo posploševati, se nam zdi, da so potrebna dodatna izobraževanja v tej smeri. Če želijo medicinske sestre zagotavljati učinkovito nego, se zdi pomembno, da prejmejo boljšo izobrazbo o otrocih in mladostnikih s to motnjo, pa tudi stalno podporo in nadzor, da bi jim pomagali bolje obvladati to težko razvojno skupino.


otroštvo;adolescenca;osebnostna motnja;zdravstvena nega;pristop;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [K. Koštomaj]
UDC: 616.89-008.485-053.6:616-083(043.2)
COBISS: 30701059 Link will open in a new window
Views: 539
Downloads: 105
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Approach to a child and adolescent with borderline personality disorder
Secondary abstract: Theoretical background: Borderline personality disorder is a chronical psychiatric disorder characterized by emotional instability, difficulties with interpersonal relationships and control. Researches show that borderline personality disorder might be diagnosed before the age of 18, and might continue into adulthood. Among professionals borderline personality disorder is still the most stigmatized diagnose of children or adolescents. Methodology: In theoretical part we used the descriptive method of work, while in empirical part we obtained the data by means of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was answered by 80 nursing students and 50 pediatric nurses. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and displayed in percentage for easier readability. Results: According to the results, the knowledge of health professionals and students is not significantly different. In the approach, we can detect differences in knowledge of both healthcare professionals and students. Most of the respondents believe that it is right to support children in direct communication, in fulfilling direct tasks and personal responsibilities. But the goal of nursing and treatment is quite the opposite. We all strive that the child or adolescent will grow into an independent and responsible person. Conclusion: Despite the fact that the results mustn't be generalized, we feel the need for further education in this direction. In order for nurses to provide effective medical care, it is important that nurses receive better education about children and adolescents with this disorder, as well as ongoing support and supervision to help them better manage this difficult development group.
Secondary keywords: childhood;adolescence;personality disorder;nursing care;approach;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 28 f., 5 f. pril.
ID: 11921683