diplomsko delo


Diplomsko delo z naslovom Plesna dramatizacija na glasbeno pravljico "Lunino kraljestvo" obravnava pripravo in izvedbo plesne dramatizacije z izrednimi študentkami Predšolske vzgoje na Pedagoški fakulteti v Mariboru in s predšolskimi otroki. Teoretični del zajema opredelitev plesa v predšolskem obdobju, njegov vpliv na predšolskega otroka in umeščenost plesa v Kurikula za vrtce. Predstavljeni so različni pristopi izvajanja plesnih dejavnosti v vrtcu. Podrobneje je obravnavana plesna dramatizacija kot vrsta gibalno-plesne dejavnosti. Pri načrtovanju plesne dramatizacije izhodišče predstavljajo globalni cilji na področju umetnosti, izbor najprimernejših metod in oblik dela ter upoštevanje splošnih in specifičnih načel plesne vzgoje. Pomembno vlogo ima tudi glasba in njen vpliv na predšolskega otroka. Zato smo za pripravo plesne dramatizacije uporabili glasbeno pravljico, ki otroku omogoča, da skozi glasbo podoživi vsebino. V praktičnem delu je predstavljena in evalvirana plesna dramatizacija v izvedbi izrednih študentk 3. letnika predšolske vzgoje ter priprave z evalvacijami in izvedbo plesne dramatizacije s predšolskimi otroki v vrtcu. Ugotovljeno je, da je za uspešno izvedbo plesne dramatizacije ključno prepletanje različnih pristopov plesnega ustvarjanja. Poudarek je na procesu in končnem produktu (kakovost procesa se odraža na kakovosti končnega proizvoda). Plesna dramatizacija je dejavnost, s katero lahko otrok izraža svoja čustva in pogled na svet, saj se z glasbo in vsebino zgodbe gibalno-plesno izrazi na svojevrsten, ustvarjalen način.


diplomska dela;plesna dramatizacija;predšolski otroci;plesna vzgoja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Kološa]
UDC: 373.2:793.3-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 28786947 Link will open in a new window
Views: 558
Downloads: 125
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Dance dramatisation based on the musical fairy tale "Moon's kingdom"
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis entitled Dance Dramatisation Based on the Musical Fairy Tale "The Moon's Kingdom" deals with the preparation and the performance of dance dramatisation with part-time students of Preschool education at the Faculty of Education in Maribor and with preschool children. The theoretical part includes the definition of dance in the preschool period, its impact on the preschool child and the placement of dance in the Kindergarten Curriculum. Different approaches to performing dance activities in kindergarten are presented. Dance dramatisation as a type of motion-dance activity is discussed in more detail. When planning a dance dramatisation the starting point are the global goals in the field of arts, the selection of the most appropriate methods and forms of work, and the consideration of general and specific principles of dance education. Music and its impact on the preschool child also play an important role. Therefore, to prepare the dance dramatisation, a musical fairy tale that allows the child to relive the content through music was used. The practical part presents and evaluates the dance dramatisation performed by part-time students of the 3rd year of preschool education and the preparation with evaluations and performance of dance dramatisation with preschool children in kindergarten. It was found that the intertwining of different approaches to dance creation is crucial for the successful implementation of dance dramatisation. The emphasis is on the process as well as on the final product (the quality of the process is reflected in the quality of the final product). Dance dramatisation is an activity in kindergarten in which the child can immerse himself, express his emotions and his view of the world, as he can express himself by dance movements in a unique creative way through the music and the content of the story.
Secondary keywords: theses;dance dramatisation;preschool children;dance education;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: X, 101 str.
ID: 11934513