magistrsko delo
Barbara Zakocs (Author), Mihaela Koletnik (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo prinaša izsledke raziskave besedja iz tematskega polja sadovnjak, vrt in polje, zbranega na Gornjem Seniku. Gornji Senik je največja vas v slovenskem Porabju, kjer živi slovenska manjšina. V magistrskem delu predstavljamo geografski in zgodovinski oris Porabja, gornjeseniški govor pa umeščamo v prekmursko narečje panonske narečne skupine, natančneje v goričko pod narečje. V osrednjem delu v obliki treh tematskih slovarjev predstavljamo gornjeseniško besedje za sadovnjak, vrt in polje, zbrano z metodo terenske ankete po Vprašalnici za zbiranje narečnega gradiva Francke Benedik. Vse pogovore z informatorji smo posneli in fonetično zapisali, gradivo slovarsko uredili in primerjali izpričanost narečnih leksemov v Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika ter v obeh porabskih slovarjih, Mukičevem Porabsko-knjižno slovensko-madžarskem slovarju (2005) in Slovarju Gornjega Senika A-L Marije Bajzek Lukač (2009). Po vprašalnici smo zbrali 409 različne lekseme, katerih pomen je dokumentiran tudi z bogatim ponazarjalnim gradivom, in ugotovili, da več kot 40 % besed ni zabeleženih v Mukičevem slovarju, ki prinaša do sedaj najobsežnejšo zbirko porabskega besedja, v preostalih slovarjih je ta odstotek še višji. Večina zbranih leksemov je izvorno slovanska, sobivanje z madžarsko jezikovno skupnostjo pa v obravnavanem besedju ni pustilo močnejših sledi.


magistrska dela;dialektologija;Porabje;Gornji Senik;tematski slovar;sadovnjak;vrt in polje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [B. Zakocs]
UDC: 811.163.6'28(043.2)
COBISS: 31226371 Link will open in a new window
Views: 456
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂlexis from the semantic field of orchard, garden and field in the Gornji Senik dialect
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis presents the results of the research of the lexis from the semantic field of orchard, garden and field, collected in Gornji Senik. Gornji Senik is the largest village in the Slovenian Porabje, where lives the Slovenian minority. In the master's thesis we present the geographical and historical characteristics of Porabje and we classify the dialect of Gornji Senik as part of the Prekmurje dialect of the Pannonian dialect group, more precisely as part of the Goričko subdialect. In the central part we present the lexis for orchard, garden and field from Gornji Senik in the form of three thematic dictionaries, collected by the method of a field survey based on Questionnaires for Collecting Dialectic Material by Francka Benedik. All conversations with informants were recorded and written phonetically, the material was lexically edited and we compared the informant's lexis with lexemes in the Dictionary of Standard Slovene Language (sl. Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika) and in both dictionaries from Porabje region, Mukič's Dictionary of the Rába Valley Dialect, Literary Slovenian, and Hungarian (sl. Porabsko-knjižnjeslovensko-madžarskem slovarju) (2005) and Slovarju Gornjega Senika A-L by Marija Bajzek Lukač (2009). According to the questionnaire we collected 409 different lexemes and their meaning is documented with illustrative material, and found that more than 40 % of words is not recorded in Mukič's dictionary, even though it includes the most extensive collection of words from Porabje dialect. Most of the collected lexemes are originally Slavic, and the coexistence with the Hungarian language community did not leave stronger impact on lexis we included in research.
Secondary keywords: master theses;dialectology;Porabje;Gornji Senik;thematic dictionary;orchard;garden and field;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: VII f., 93 str.
ID: 11957133