diplomsko delo
Jernej Kolar (Author), Aleš Hace (Mentor), Karl Gotlih (Mentor), Timi Karner (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo opisuje razvoj programa za posluževanje upogibnega stroja s pomočjo robota, in sicer vse od načrta, 3D modela, izdelave programa v virtualnem svetu in na koncu tudi do preizkusa programa v robotski celici. Delo opisuje robotsko celico z vsemi sestavnimi elementi, s katerimi se obdelovanec sreča med postopkom upogibanja. Namen dela je spoznati avtomatizacijo postopka upogibanja, njene prednosti in slabosti ter v katerem primeru je tak način sploh ekonomsko upravičen. Poleg tega je namen spoznati, kako se spopadamo z varnostjo v bližini robota, torej vzrok zaprtja robota v celico ter programske omejitve delovanja robota, ko celica ni zaprta in je v bližini robota človek. Program je napisan v programu Simul easy, pred tem pa je model izrisan v Solidworksu in pretvorjen v Darf sight-u.


upogibanje;avtomatizacija;robotske celice;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [J. Kolar]
UDC: 007.52:621.778.23(043.2)
COBISS: 37489667 Link will open in a new window
Views: 341
Downloads: 37
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Design and implementation of robot bending machine operation
Secondary abstract: The dissertation describes the development of a program for operating a bending machine with the help of a robot. Starting from the very beginning with the plan, then the 3D model, to the creation of the program in the virtual world and finally the last step which is the testing of the program in a robotic cell. The thesis describes a robotic cell with all the components that the workpiece encounters during the bending process. The purpose of the work is to get to know the automatization of the process of bending, its advantages and disadvantages. One of the intentions is also to find out in which cases such a method is economically justified at all. In addition, the purpose is also to learn more thoroughly how we deal with security near the robotic cell, meaning what is the cause of the robot's closing in the cell and the software limitations of the robot's operation when the cell is open and there is an operator near the robot. The program is written in Simul easy. Before that, the model was drawn in Solidworks and converted into Darf sight.
Secondary keywords: Bending;automation;robotic cell;Fanuc;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Mehatronika
Pages: IX, 35 f.
ID: 11978131
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