diplomsko delo
Nejc Pesek (Author), Tone Lerher (Mentor), Janez Rautar (Co-mentor)


Za podjetja je pomembno, da so v stiku z inovacijami in novo tehnologijo, ki jo ponuja trg. Sredstva je potrebno investirati v razvoj. To pripomore k temu, da se v podjetju na vseh delovnih mestih ves čas razvijajo. Med lastniki podjetij je vedno več zavedanja za skrb delavca. Tako se jih vedno več odloča za vlaganje kapitala v avtomatizacijo. Ta olajša delo delavca in kar je še pomembneje, da pripomore k boljši učinkovitosti delovnega procesa in konkurenčnosti na trgu storitev. Avtomatsko vodena vozila (AGV) so eden izmed načinov za avtomatizacijo proizvodnje in skladišč. Zadnja leta so v porastu, saj se njihova učinkovitost pozna na vseh področjih. Zraven konkurenčnosti se kupci odločajo za investicijo, zaradi kratke dobe amortizacije. Ta se giblje od dveh do pet let. V diplomskem delu smo spoznali vrste AGV-jev in prednosti, ki jih prinašajo v vseh smereh industrije. Poglobili smo se v pogonski usmerjevalni sklop.


intralogistika;pogonski usmerjevalni sklop;usmerjanje in vodenje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [N. Pesek]
UDC: 681.5:658.286(043.2)
COBISS: 39399171 Link will open in a new window
Views: 617
Downloads: 168
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Automated guided vehicle (AGV)
Secondary abstract: It is important for companies to be in touch with innovation and new technology offered by the market. Assets need to be invested in development. This helps the company to develop all the time in all workplaces. There is a growing awareness among business owners of worker concern. So, more and more of them decide to invest capital in automation. This relieves the work of the worker and more importantly, helps to improve the efficiency of the work process and competitiveness in the services market. Automatic guided vehicles (AGV) are one way to automate production and factory storehouses. In recent years, they have been on the rise, as their effectiveness is known in all areas. In addition to competitiveness, buyers decide to invest, due to the short depreciation period, which ranges from two to five years. In the diploma work we learned about the types of AGVs and the advantages they bring in all directions of industry. We delved into the drive guidance assembly.
Secondary keywords: intralogistics;AGV;drive guidance assembly;guidance and leadership;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Konstrukterstvo
Pages: XI, 38 f.
ID: 11991109
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