Vlasta Hus (Author),
Jana Ambrožič-Dolinšek (Author),
Eva Konečnik Kotnik (Author),
Stanka Damjan (Author),
Luka Ajlec (Author),
Lucija Božnik (Author),
Marko Pšajd (Author),
Katarina Vinter (Author),
Laura Guzej (Author),
Ana Herič (Author),
Blaž Kavčič (Author),
Anja Kisilak (Author),
Jon Knez (Author),
Katja Kramljak (Author),
Vlasta Hus (Editor),
Jana Ambrožič-Dolinšek (Editor),
Eva Konečnik Kotnik (Editor),
Karmen Kolnik (Reviewer)
Priročnik je nastal v okviru projekta ŠIPK z naslovom Martinova učna pot kot medgeneracijski park v Kamnici. Obravnava idejno zasnovo učne poti v Kamnici. Vključuje nabor dejavnosti, ki jih lahko udeleženci in udeleženke izvajajo na Martinovi učni poti. Načrtovana učna pot bo poudarjala aktivno učenje predšolskih otrok in učencev ter učenk Osnovne šole Kamnica izven vrtčevskih in šolskih prostorov. Martinova učna pot je zasnovana kot medgeneracijski park, zato bo namenjena tudi širši družbeni skupnosti.
medgeneracijski parki;projekti za družbeno korist;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.06 - Encyclopaedia, Dictionary, Lexicon, Manual, Atlas, Map |
Organization: |
UM PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
Univerzitetna založba Univerze |
UDC: |
371.9:908(497.4Kammica)(0.034.2):37.091.33-027.22 |
978-961-286-379-1 |
Views: |
388 |
Downloads: |
35 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Martin's Learning Path as an Intergenerational Park in Kamnica. |
Secondary abstract: |
The manual was prepared as part of the SIPK project entitled "Martin's Learning Path as an Intergenerational Park in Kamnica". It deals with the conceptual design of the learning path in Kamnica. It includes a set of activities that participants can take on Martin's learning journey. The planned learning path will emphasize the active learning of pre-school children and students of the Kamnica Primary School outside kindergartens and school. Designed as an intergenerational park, Martin's Learning Path will also be intended for the wider social community. |
Secondary keywords: |
Učne poti;Priročniki;Kamnica; |
Pages: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (II, 206 str.)) |
DOI: |
10.18690/978-961-286-379-1 |
ID: |
12008188 |