diplomsko delo


Besedo ‘ilustracijo’ v današnjem času uporabljajo na mnogo različnih področjih – od arhitekture do znanosti in mode. Diplomska naloga Lastnosti kakovostne pripovedne ilustracije je nastala z namenom, da raziščem ilustracijo v svoji prvobitni vlogi, v vlogi pripovedovanja zgodbe oz. besedila, ki ga spremlja, t.j. knjižno ilustracijo. Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretskem delu se sprva poglobim v zgodovino knjižne ilustracije in v njen razvoj tekom stoletij, cilj pa je opredeliti pripovedno ilustracijo kot zvrst umetnosti. Izpostavim ključne osebe, obdobja, iznajdbe in tehnološke novosti, ki so pustile svoj pečat tako na praktični izdelavi ilustracij, kot na razumevanju in dojemanju ilustracij s strani beročega občinstva. V naslednjem poglavju opredelim pomen in vpliv ilustracij na otrokov razvoj, saj so ilustracije prva likovna dela, s katerimi imajo otroci stik. Ogledovanje ilustracij in listanje po slikanicah je pomemben del otroštva, saj otroci preko ogledovanja likovnih del razvijajo svojo domišljijo in ustvarjalnost, poleg tega ilustracije vplivajo tudi na njihov čut za likovno estetiko, ki ga je potrebno privzgojiti, pa tudi na njihov čustveni in kognitivni razvoj. Zato je kakovost ilustracij, katerim so otroci izpostavljeni, bistvenega pomena. Sledi poglavje, v katerem raziščem mnenja različnih strokovnjakov o lastnostih, ki vplivajo na kakovost ilustracij. Te lastnosti se najprej delijo na likovno in vsebinsko raven, sama pa se dodatno poglobim zgolj v likovni del in razčlenim kriterije in lastnosti, ki naredijo ilustracijo kot likovno delo kakovostno. V osrednjem delu analiziram ilustracije dveh avtorjev, ki sta za svoje delo prejela mednarodno nagrado na področju otroške in mladinske knjižne ilustracije v zadnjih dveh letih. Namen analiz je preveriti ugotovitve o lastnostih kakovostnih ilustracij iz teoretičnega dela v praktični uporabi sodobnih ilustratorjev. Analizo potem razširim tudi na svoje avtorske ilustracije, ki so nastale v praktičnem delu diplomske naloge. Preverim lastno rabo likovnega jezika in primernost ilustracij za starostno stopnjo otrok, katerim je izhodiščno besedilo namenjeno. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je ugotoviti lastnosti, ki naredijo ilustracijo kakovostno in te iste lastnosti aplicirati na lastno slikarsko prakso pri ustvarjanju avtorskih ilustracij.


pripovedna ilustracija;kakovostna ilustracija;likovni razvoj;likovni jezik;knjižne ilustracije;vpliv na otrokov razvoj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [I.C. Riley]
UDC: 75.056(043.2)
COBISS: 27521283 Link will open in a new window
Views: 250
Downloads: 40
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂattributes of quality narrative illustrations
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, the word ‘illustration’ is used in many different fields – from architecture to science to fashion. This Bachelor thesis, The Attributes of Quality Narrative Illustrations, was created with the aim of exploring illustrations in their primary role, the role of narrating stories or other written texts, e.g. literary illustrations. The thesis is composed of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part starts with an in-depth overview of the history of literary illustration and its development over the centuries, the aim of which is to define narrative illustration as its own genre of art. I highlight key figures, periods, inventions and technological innovations that contributed both to the practical development of creating illustrations and to the understanding of illustrations by the general literary public. The next chapter focuses on the meaning and influence of narrative illustrations on child development, since literary illustrations are the first works of art that children have contact with. Observing illustration and thumbing through picture books are an important part of childhood, as this helps children develop their imagination and creativity. Illustrations also influence the development of aesthetic sensibility, which isn’t innate, as well as emotional and cognitive development. This is why it is so important that the illustrations children are in contact with are high quality. I continue with a chapter in which I explore the opinions of different professionals about the attributes that influence the quality of illustrations. These attributes are firstly distinguishable on an artistic level and on a level of content, although I focus solely on the artistic part and further examine the criteria and attributes that lead to high quality illustrations. In the middle part of the thesis I analyse the illustrations of two authors who received international awards for their work in the field of children’s literary illustrations in the last two years. The aim is to compare my conclusions about the attributes of quality illustrations from the theoretical part with the practical use of contemporary artists. I then widen the analysis to include my own original illustrations that were created in the practical part of this thesis. I examine my own use of artistic expression and the suitability of the illustrations based on the age group of the target audience of the initial text. The main purpose of this thesis is to discern the attributes that make qualitative illustrations and to apply these same attributes to my own work while painting original illustrations.
Secondary keywords: illustration;ilustracija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 89 str.
ID: 12010203