diplomsko delo
V diplomskem delu obravnavam likovne zakonitosti pripovedne oziroma narativne ilustracije.
V teoretičnem delu najprej opredelim zgodovinski razvoj pripovedne ilustracije, tako v tujini kot na slovenskem. Sledi likovno-teoretični del, v katerem teoretično razčlenim likovno problematiko pripovedne ilustracije v povezavi z ilustracijami iz knjige, ki sem jo izbrala za primerjavo. Gre za pripoved Patrick O'Brien, irski orjak iz zbirke Velikani ameriškega pisatelja Christopherja Rawsona, ki jo je ilustriral Stephen Cartwright. Avtorja sodelujeta, saj je Cartwright ilustrator vseh Rawsonovih zbirk z zgodbami o različnih mitoloških bitjih, kot so zmaji, čarovnice, princese in velikani. Začnem z razčlenitvijo ilustracije in narativnosti. Nato nadaljujem z obravnavo pojmov abstraktno in ikonično. Analiziram vpliv posameznih izraznih prvin na ilustracije, opisujem njihov pomen in značilnosti. Sledi analiza problema likovnih artikulacij, ki vplivajo na različnost izraza ilustracije. V tem delu obravnavam tudi humornost v ilustraciji.
Iz likovno-teoretičnega dela izpeljem raziskavo v likovno-praktični del, kjer ustvarim in analiziram lastne knjižne ilustracije na zgodbo Patrick O'Brien, irski orjak, na katero se nanašam skozi celoten likovno-teoretični del. K ilustriranju pristopim z drugačnim pristopom uporabe likovnih izrazil in artikulacije kot izvirni ilustrator Stephen Cartwright.
Likovno-pedagoški del vsebuje likovno pripravo za otroke starostne skupine približno 12 let, ura bi bila primerna za izpeljavo v likovni delavnici. Pripovedno ilustracijo sem jim približala na način, da so prebrali zgodbo iz že omenjene knjige. Otroci so potem individualno izdelali ilustracijo v svoji lastni artikulaciji iz prizora v pripovedi, ki so si ga najbolj zapomnili.
Ključne besede
naracija;likovne prvine;artikulacija;semantična informacija;estetska informacija;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2015 |
Tipologija: |
2.11 - Diplomsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta |
Založnik: |
[S. Gartner] |
UDK: |
73:655.28.027(043.2) |
Št. ogledov: |
1344 |
Št. prenosov: |
217 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Art principles in narrative illustration |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
This diploma is based on art theory of narrative illustrations.
In theoretical part I describe the historical development of narrative illustration, both abroad and in Slovenia. It is followed by the artistic-theoretical part which contains a discussion about artistic problems of narrative illustrations in relation to illustrations from the book, which I have chosen to analyze. It is a story called "Patrick O'Brien, the Irish giant" from the Giants collection written by American writer Christopher Rawson and illustrated by Stephen Cartwright. Cartwright is the illustrator of all Rawson’s story collections about various mythological creatures such as dragons, witches, princesses and giants. I start with a breakdown of illustrations and narrative. I continue with a description of concepts abstract and iconic. Then I analyse the impact of individual expressive elements in the illustrations, describing their importance and characteristics. Next is an analysis of artistic articulations that can affect the expression on the illustration. This part also describes the importance of the humour in the illustration.
The study develops from artistic-theoretical part into practical part where I create and analyse my own book illustration of the story "Patrick 0'Brien Irish Giant", covered throughout the entire artistic-theoretical part. I illustrate with different approaches, with different use of artistic expression and articulation as the original illustrator Stephen Cartwright.
Art-teaching part contains an art preparation for children around 8-12, lesson would be suitable for painting workshops. I presented the narrative illustration to children by having them read the story from the aforementioned book. The children then individually created an illustration in their own articulation, illustrating the scene from the story that they remembered the most. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
art;illustration;umetnost;ilustracija; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika |
Strani: |
69 str. |
ID: |
8758323 |