diplomsko delo
Mojca Bregar (Avtor), Jurij Selan (Mentor), Uršula Podobnik (Komentor)


Cilj diplomskega dela je raziskati konceptualno in aplikativno tehnično naravo kolaža skozi različne pristope umetnikov. Problematiko kolaža v diplomskem delu obravnavam s treh vidikov: likovno-teoretičnega, likovno-praktičnega ter pedagoško-empiričnega. V likovno-teoretičnem delu najprej na kratko predstavim zgodovinsko ozadje rojstva kolaža v kubizmu, razloge in vplive, ki so botrovali nastanku kubizma, opišem njegovi analitični in sintetični fazi ter opredelim tehniko kolaža, pri kateri izpostavim uporabo vsakdanjega materiala ter teksturiranost slikovne površine. Na teksturo – otipno in vidno lastnost površine se nato osredotočim z oblikotvornega vidika. Teksturo obravnavam v odnosu do orisnih likovnih prvin, ki orišejo teksturo (točka, črta, svetlo-temno, barva), in kot likovno spremenljivko, ki je tesno povezana s spremenljivkama število in gostota. V nadaljevanju likovno-teoretičnega dela pojasnim pojem likovne artikulacije ter ob primerih likovnih del umetnikov predstavim različne tehnične in konceptualne možnosti kolažiranja, kar posledično vpliva na pojavnost teksture v njihovem delu. V likovno-praktičnem delu se aplikativna narava kolaža odraža tudi v mojem ustvarjalnem procesu, med drugim skozi uporabo nekaterih tehnik, omenjenih v likovno-teoretičnem delu, s katerimi sem ustvarjala na ročno izdelan papir, ter konceptualnem, saj izoblikujem lastno razumevanje kolaža, ki temelji na konceptu pohištvenega elementa predala kot arhiva. V pedagoško-empiričnem delu skozi lastne učne ure učencem 7. razreda predstavim asemblaž, saj je tehnika kolaža učencem dobro poznana; glede na to, da začnejo ustvarjati kolaže iz kolaž papirja že v prvi triadi osnovne šole. Tehnika asemblaža je bila v sklopu likovne naloge sredstvo za abstraktno izražanje učencev na dani likovni motiv. Pedagoško-empirični del vsebuje analizo lastnih učnih ur in analizo likovnih izdelkov učencev.

Ključne besede

kubizem;tekstura;likovna spremenljivka;orisne likovne prvine;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Bregar]
UDK: 73(043.2)
COBISS: 11031369 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1061
Št. prenosov: 147
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Collage as a means of artistic articulation
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of the thesis is to research a conceptual and applicative technical nature of the collage through various approaches of the artists. The challenges of the collage in the thesis are dealt with three perspectives: artistic-theoretical, artistic-practical and educational-empirical. In the artistic-theoretical part I first present the historical background of the birth of collage in cubism, reasons and influences that sponsored the emergence of cubism, describe its analytical and synthetic phase and define the technique of collage, where I point out the usage of everyday materials as well as texturation of the image area. I then focus on the texture – felt and visible characteristic of the surface from the shape-formation perspective. I deal with the texture in relationship with delineation artistic elements that delineate the texture (point, line, light-dark, color), and as a plastic variable that is tightly connected with the variables: number and density. Further in the artistic-theoretical part, I explain the notion of artistic articulation and present different techniques and conceptual possibilities of collaging in cases of artistic works of different artists, which, consequently, influences the appearance of texture in their work. In artistic-practical part the applicative nature of collage reflects also in my creative process, among others through the usage of some techniques, mentioned in artistic-theoretical part, which were used on the paper which was produced manually, as well as conceptual, for I form my own understanding of the collage, based on the concept of a furniture element drawer as archives. In the educational-empirical part, I present assemblage to the pupils of the seventh grade through my own lessons, for the technique of collage is well known to the pupils; with regards to the fact that they begin to create collages out of the collage paper as early as in the first triad of the elementary school. The technique of assemblage within the artistic task was a means for an abstract expression of the pupils with respect to a given artistic motive. Pedagogical-empirical part includes the analysis of my own lessons as well as the analysis of pupils’ artistic products.
Sekundarne ključne besede: art;umetnost;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Strani: VI f., 95 str.
ID: 9149776