diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Lana Rupar (Author), Bojan Dobovšek (Mentor), Boštjan Slak (Co-mentor)


Preiskovanje ponarejanja umetnin je zapleteno saj zahteva dobro načrtovanje, organiziranje dela in povezovanje s strokovnjaki, ki delujejo na področju poznavanja podpisov, materialov, tehnik nanosa, obdobij umetnoste zgodovine oziroma stilov in drugo. Le multidisciplinarno delovanje omogoča uspešno preiskovanje primerov kaznivih dejanj zoper umetnine. Zaključno delo se osredotoča na preiskovanje ponaredkov slik, medresorsko sodelovanje različnih subjektov ter na tehnike preiskave, ki so ključne za avtentikacijo umetnine. Z metodo analize vsebine pisnih virov smo pregledali domačo in tujo strokovno literaturo. Na podlagi pregleda smo oblikovali teoretična izhodišča glede pristopov k preiskovanju tovrstne kriminalitete in vlogi multidisciplinarnega sodelovanja pri preiskovanju ponaredkov umetnin. Empirično tonirano podlago za ovrednotenje izhodišč smo pridobili iz analize delno strukturiranih intervjujev, ki smo jih naredili s predstavniki policije, strokovnjakov s področja umetnostne zgodovine oziroma cenilstva in s področja podpisov. Ugotavljamo, da je za uspešno preiskovanje kaznivega dejanja ponarejanja slik potrebna kohezija med številnimi subjekti, ki se morajo povezovati v multidisciplinirano ekipo. Za uspešno stilistično in zgodovinsko analizo ter posledično odkrivanja lastnosti slike, avtorja in obdobja, je sodelovanje z izvedenci s področja umetnostne zgodovine primarnega pomena. Ključnega pomena je tudi sodelovanje s strokovnjaki s področja podpisov, saj lahko le ti že v začetni fazi pripomorejo k odkrivanju informacij o pisalnih značilnostih in o pristnosti podpisa. Preiskovanje kaznivih dejanj zoper umetnine bi moralo potekati znotraj okvirjev institucije, ustanovljene na nacionalni ravni, ki bi se izključno ukvarjala s kriminaliteto zoper umetnine in kulturno dediščino, vsak posameznik pa bi moral pred nakupom umetnine, obvezno preveriti avtentičnost slike, saj bi s tem bistveno pripomogel k zmanjšanju ponaredkov na trgu.


diplomske naloge;umetnine;ponaredki;preiskovanje;izvedenstvo;podpis;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [L. Rupar]
UDC: 343.522(043.2)
COBISS: 27912707 Link will open in a new window
Views: 494
Downloads: 66
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Forged paintings as a form of art crime and experts in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Investigating the forgery of paintings is a complex process as it requires good planning, organization of work, and liaison with experts working in the field of knowledge of signatures, materials, application techniques, periods of art history or styles, and more. Only multidisciplinary action enables the successful investigation of cases of art crime. The final work focuses on the investigation of forgeries of paintings, interdepartmental cooperation of various subjects, and on investigation techniques that are crucial for the authentication of a work of art. Using the method of analyzing the content of written sources, we reviewed domestic and foreign professional literature. Based on the review, we formed theoretical starting points regarding approaches to the investigation of this type of crime and the role of multidisciplinary cooperation in the investigation of art crime. An empirically toned basis for evaluating the starting points was obtained from the analysis of partially structured interviews conducted with representatives of the police, experts in the field of art history and appraisal, and signatures. We find that a successful investigation of the crime of the falsification of the painting requires cohesion between a number of entities, which must unite in a multidisciplinary team. Cooperation with experts in the field of art history is of primary importance for successful stylistic and historical analysis and, consequently, the discovery of the characteristics of the painting, the author, and the period. Cooperation with signature experts is also crucial, as they can help to discover information about the writing characteristics and the authenticity of the signature at an early stage. The investigation of art crime should take place within the framework of an institution established at the national level, which would deal exclusively with art crime and cultural heritage. Furthermore, each individual should check the authenticity of the painting before buying the work of art to reduce counterfeiting in the art market.
Secondary keywords: art;forgeries;investigation;expertise;signature;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VIII, 59 str.
ID: 12012568
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