o zvočni kulisi sodobnega teatra
Jera Topolovec (Author), Mirt Komel (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z elaboracijo štirih zvočno-izraznih in vsebinskih elementov, ki preko performativnosti v obsegu umetniške estetike soustvarjajo sodobnost potencialnega zvočnega performativa. Umeščen v uprizoritveni dispozitiv postdramskega gledališča je zvok kot primarni element analize v diplomskem delu opisan kot potencialno problematičen snovni fenomen, predvsem zaradi manka referenčne in jasno izrazne forme v dosedanjem umetniškem uprizarjanju. Iz že obstoječih praks in teorij o ustvarjanju gledališkega performativa in udejanjanja materialnosti preko gledaliških uprizoritvenih elementov se diplomsko delo spopada z dilemo percepcije abstraktnega ali potencialno neizoblikovanega zvoka in njegovih zmožnosti v okvirih relevantnosti umetniško-estetske rabe. Ker ima zvok namreč močno vlogo v mnogih aplikativnih področji vsakdana, se s pomočjo tovrstnih primerov lahko ustvari relevantnost njegove navezovalnosti na drugotna področja - tudi umetniška in predvsem gledališka. Dispozicija uporabljene metodičnosti dokazovanja in primerjanja o slednjem izhaja predvsem iz teoretizacij zgodovinskih umetniških praks, ki so se ukvarjale z idejo vseobsežnosti zvočne formulacije v glasbenem, gledališkem in drugem.


akuzmatika;zvočni efekt;materialnost;performativno;postdramsko gledališče;avditorij;Sociologija umetnosti;Gledališka estetika;Zvok;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [J. Topolovec]
UDC: 316.7(043.2)
COBISS: 28673283 Link will open in a new window
Views: 568
Downloads: 122
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sound theater: about the soundstage of contemporary theater
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis elaborates four sound-expressive content elements, which, through performativity in the context of artistic aesthetics, potentially create the modernity of the performative sound. Placed in the post-dramatic staging dispositive, sound, as the primary element of analysis in the thesis, is described as a potentially problematic material phenomenon, especially when referring to the clear structure of sounds expression and specifying it in the form of artistic performance. From the existing practices in the theory of creating a theatrical performative in the realization of materiality through theatrical staging elements, the thesis deals with the perception dilemma of abstract or potentially unformed sound. Within the framework of artistic and aesthetic means, the sound performative has many substantial applicative areas from the everyday reference, that can implicate a new form of interpretative system. The disposition of the used methods of proving and comparing derives mainly from theorizations of historical artistic practices, which dealt with the idea of omnipresence of the sound in music, theater, etc.
Secondary keywords: acousmatics;sound effect;materiality;performative;postdramatic theatre;auditory;Sociology of art;Theater aesthetics;Sound;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 77 str.
ID: 12025787
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