magistrsko delo
Katarina Cesar (Author), Liljana Rihter (Mentor), Branko Gabrovec (Co-mentor)


Tako v literaturi, v vsakodnevnem življenju kot tudi med intervjuvanjem starih ljudi v sklopu sodelovanja pri raziskavi Model za staranje starejših v domačem bivalnem okolju v Sloveniji, ki je potekala na Fakulteti za družbene vede (Univerza v Ljubljani) v sodelovanju z Urbanističnim inštitutom Republike Slovenije, sem zaznala, da zdravstvene težave oziroma posledice preteklih zdravstvenih težav (npr. neustrezno zaceljen zlomljen kolk) pomembno vplivajo na življenje starih ljudi. Namen mojega magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kako na temo skrbi za svoje zdravje gledajo stari ljudje, ali imajo možnosti za zdrav življenjski slog, ali si ga lahko privoščijo, ali je njihovo okolje temu naklonjeno in temu prilagojeno, ali imajo interes posvečati pozornost svojemu zdravju in na kakšen način mogoče to že počno. Ugotoviti želim posameznikovo oceno zdravja, prisotnost bolezni in zdravstvenih težav, oceno dejavnikov, ki po mnenju anketiranih najbolj vplivajo na njihovo zdravje, zanima me ali posvečajo kakšno posebno pozornost svojemu zdravju oziroma ali s svojim življenjskim slogom vplivajo na pomembne dejavnike zdravja, ali si želijo ukrepov na področju zdravja, kako ocenjujejo potrebo po ukrepih ipd. Rezultati raziskave lahko pripomorejo k sistematičnim ukrepom za preprečevanja zdravstvenih stanj, ki povzročajo odvisnost posameznika od drugih oseb. Prispevajo lahko k ustreznejšemu, na podlagi interesa ljudi utemeljenem promoviranju zdravega življenja. Pripomorejo lahko k oblikovanju aktivnosti in podpornih služb, ki bi skrbele za učinkovitejšo preventivno skrb za zdravje, k oblikovanju zakona o dolgotrajni oskrbi, kjer bi posebno skrb namenili temu, da bi s pomočjo preventivne skrbi za zdravje zmanjšali število posameznikov, ki bi storitve dolgotrajne oskrbe sploh potrebovali. Raziskava, ki sem jo izvedla, je empirična, kvantitativna in deskriptivna. Uporabljen merski instrument za zbiranje empiričnih podatkov, je strukturiran anketni vprašalnik. Populacijo raziskovanja predstavljajo osebe stare 65 ali več let, ki živijo v Sloveniji v obdobju med 15.4.2019 in 15.1.2020. Enote raziskovanja sem izbrala na podlagi neslučajnostnega vzorčenja, vzorec je priložnostni, metoda vzorčenja pa metoda snežne kepe. Pridobila sem 209 izpolnjenih anketnih vprašalnikov, prišlo pa je do 20,61 % osipa. Empirične podatke sem zbirala z anketiranjem. Zbrane podatke sem obdelala kvantitativno, s pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Excel in s statističnim programom IBM SPSS v. 21,0. s p < 0,05 stopnjo značilnosti. Analizirani pa so bili z opisno statistiko, korelacijo in testi za testiranje hipotez s hi-kvadrat preizkusom. Anketirani v največji meri ocenjujejo svoje zdravje kot zadovoljivo, najpogosteje so mnenja, da na njihovo zdravje vpliva starost. V povprečju ima vsak izmed anketiranih 4,23 bolezni/zdravstvenih težav, sicer pa so večinskega mnenja, da s svojim ravnanjem lahko vplivajo na svoje zdravstveno stanje. Izkazalo se je, da ima velika večina anketiranih "zdrav življenjski slog". Ocenjujejo, da so jim zdravstvene storitve lahko dostopne. Najbolj pogosto se anketirani v povprečju ukvarjajo z gibalno aktivnostjo 2x na teden, to najpogosteje počno sami do 10 ali do 30 minut. Največ anketiranih ima na voljo 1-2 osebi, na kateri se lahko v vsakem trenutku obrne po pomoč. Najpogosteje so izrazili, da so s svojim življenjem "zadovoljni". Med anketiranimi je bilo največ takih, ki spadajo v kategorijo starih 65-74 let, po večini so srednje izobraženi, s svojimi sedanjimi prihodki pa ravno še shajajo. Ocenjujejo, da bi za bolj zdrav način življenja potrebovali več finančnih sredstev. Bolj zdravega načina življenja in dejavnosti povezanih s tem si želijo v povprečju v srednji meri. Na podlagi rezultatov predlagam več brezplačnih ali vsaj cenejših aktivnosti namenjenih ohranjanju zdravja za stare ljudi, širjenje informiranosti o možnosti izvajanja raznih aktivnosti in ukrepov v domačem okolju, posredovanje novih idej, spodbujanje k udejanjanju zdravega življenjskega sloga, informiranje o načinih preprečevanja tveganj za pojav nenalezljivih bolezni značilnih predvsem za stare ljudi oziroma za zmanjševanje njihovih simptomov, vključitev medijev za širjenje pozitivnega vrednotenja starosti, letno izdelava brošure za posamezna območja s pregledom aktivnosti, ki so na voljo starim ljudem v njihovi okolici, osebno načrtovanje, medvrstniška pomoč, nadaljnje raziskovanje.


stari ljudje;demografske spremembe;staranje prebivalstva;zdravje;zdrav življenjski slog;socialno delo s starimi ljudmi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [K. Cesar]
UDC: 364.4-053.9:613.98
COBISS: 37289475 Link will open in a new window
Views: 542
Downloads: 172
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Healthy lifestyle and aging
Secondary abstract: Both in literature, in everyday life and during interviews of elderly people as part of the research Model for the aging of the elderly in the home environment in Slovenia, which took place at the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana) in cooperation with the Urban Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, I have noticed that health problems or the consequences of past health problems (e.g. an ,, older people view the issue of caring for their health, whether they have opportunities for a healthy lifestyle, whether they can afford it, whether their environment is favourable and adapted to it, whether they are interested in paying attention to their health and in what way they might already be doing it. I want to find out an individual's assessment of health, the presence of diseases and health problems, assessment of factors that, in the respondents opinion, most affect their health. I am interested in whether they pay special attention to their health or whether their lifestyle influences important health factors; whether they expect some measures to be taken in the field of health or how they assess the need for measures, etc. The results of the research can contribute to systematic measures to prevent health conditions that cause an individual to become dependent on other people. They can contribute to a more appropriate, interest-based promotion of healthy living. They can help to create activities and support services that would take care of more effective preventive health care, to form a law on long-term care, where special care would be taken to reduce the number of individuals who would need long-term care services at all. The research I conducted is empirical, quantitative and descriptive. The measurement instrument used to collect empirical data is a structured survey questionnaire. The research population consists of persons aged 65 or more living in Slovenia in the period between 15 April 2019 and 15 January 2020. I selected the research units on the basis of non-random , convenience sampling and the sampling method is the snowball method. I obtained 209 completed questionnaires and 20.61% dropped out. I collected empirical data through surveys. I processed the collected data quantitatively, using the computer program Microsoft Excel and the statistical program IBM SPSS v. 21.0. with p <0.05 degree of characteristics. However, they were analysed by descriptive statistics, correlation and tests to test hypotheses with a hi-square test. Respondents assess their health mostly as satisfactory, most often they are of the opinion that their health is affected by age. Respondents generally agree that their actions can affect their health condition. It turned out that the vast majority of respondents have a "healthy lifestyle". They estimate that health services are easily accessible to them. Most often, respondents engage in physical activity twice a week on average, most often they do activities alone for up to 10 or 30 minutes. Most respondents have 1or 2 people available who they can turn to for help at any time. They most often expressed that they were "satisfied" with their lives. Among the respondents, most of them belong to the category of 65-74 years of age, most of them are middle-educated, and they are still struggling with their current income. They estimate that more financial resources would be needed for a healthier lifestyle. They want a healthier lifestyle and related activities to a certain extent. Based on the results, I suggest several free or at least cheaper activities that would help to maintain health for the elderly. I also recommend other ideas such as spreading information about the possibility of implementing various activities and measures in the home environment, providing new ideas, promoting a healthy lifestyle, informing about ways to prevent risks of non-contagious diseases which are common mainly for older people or for reducing their symptoms, the involvement of media to spread positive evaluation of age, annual publication of brochures for individual areas with an overview of activities available to elderly people in their surroundings, personal planning, peer support, further research.
Secondary keywords: elderly;demographic change;population aging;health;healthy lifestyle;social work with older people;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (116 str.))
ID: 12025838