Univerzitetni študijski program Kozmetologija


Koža je eno najpomembnejših tkiv v človeškem telesu, poleg tega pa vpliva tudi na naš izgled in samozavest. Celulit je pogosta estetska težava, ki jo doživi večina žensk v določenem obdobju svojega življenja. Zanj je značilen videz kože, ki je okarakteriziran kot videz »pomarančne lupine« ali »skute«. Vzrokov za njegov nastanek je več, ena izmed možnosti zmanjšanja videza celulita je uporaba kozmetičnih izdelkov proti celulitu. Le-ti vsebujejo kozmetično aktivne sestavine, ki se med seboj razlikujejo po mehanizmu delovanja.Zaradi vse več kozmetičnih izdelkov proti celulitu na tržišču, je smiselno oceniti varnost tovrstnih izdelkov. V okviru diplomske naloge smo na slovenskem tržišču poiskali kozmetične izdelke proti celulitu. Iz nabora 91 kozmetičnih izdelkov, smo izbrali 35 najpogosteje uporabljenih kozmetično aktivnih sestavin proti celulitu. Izdelkom smo pregledali sestavine, nato pa določili štiri kozmetično aktivne sestavine, ki se v tovrstnih izdelkih najpogosteje nahajajo, ter jih podrobneje pregledali. Izdelke smo uvrstili v nizek in visok cenovni razred in ugotovili, da v lekarnah najdemo največ izdelkov višjega cenovnega razreda, v specializiranih prodajalnah in na spletu pa največ izdelkov nižjega cenovnega razreda. Najpogosteje uporabljene kozmetično aktivne sestavine so, kofein, ki se pojavlja v 50,5 % kozmetičnih izdelkov, ekstrakt navadnega bršljana, ki se pojavlja v 25,3 % kozmetičnih izdelkov, ekstrakt navadnega divjega kostanja, ki se pojavlja v 18,7 % kozmetičnih izdelkov in ekstrakt mehurjastega bračiča, ki se pojavlja v 17,6 % kozmetičnih izdelkov. Največ uporabljenih kozmetično aktivnih sestavin je tistih, ki pospešijo mikrocirkulacijo in predstavljajo 51,4 % najpogosteje uporabljenih kozmetično aktivnih sestavin. Najmanj uporabljenih kozmetično aktivnih sestavin je tistih, ki vzpostavijo normalno strukturo usnjice in podkožnega tkiva. V kozmetičnih izdelkih predstavljajo 2,9 % kozmetično aktivnih sestavin. Po pregledu sestavin izbranih izdelkov, bi kot najbolj varnega označili izdelek, ki ne vsebuje vode, konzervansov, alkohola, dišav in barvil. Kot kozmetično aktivni sestavini vsebuje escin in olje semen kavovca.


kozmetično aktivna setavina;cenovni razred;varnost izdelkov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
Publisher: [K. Klemenc]
UDC: 665.58:616-008.847.9(043.2)
COBISS: 4653425 Link will open in a new window
Views: 375
Downloads: 99
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Evaluation of the safe use of ingredients in anti-cellulite cosmetic products available on the Slovenian market
Secondary abstract: Skin is one of the most important tissues in the human body. Furthermore it affects our appearance and self-confidence. Cellulite is a common aesthetic problem most women experience at certain point in their life. It has characteristic appearance of the skin, which is characterized as appearance of an »orange peel« or »cottage cheese«. There are several reasons for its development. One of the possibilities of reducing the appearance of cellulite is use of anti-cellulite cosmetic products. These products contain cosmetically active ingredients that differ according to the mechanism of action.Because of the increasing number of anti-cellulite cosmetic products on the market, it makes sense to assess the safety of such products. Within degree thesis, we looked for anti-cellulite cosmetic products available on the Slovenian market. From the set of 91 cosmetic products, we selected 35 most frequently used cosmetically active ingredients against cellulite. Ingredients of the anti-cellulite cosmetic products were examined. We determined four cosmetically active ingredients which were most frequently found in these products, and examined them in greater detail. We ranked the products in a low and high price range and found that in pharmacies we find the majority of products of the higher price range, while in specialized stores and on the internet, most of the products are of lower price.The most commonly used cosmetically active ingredients are caffeine, which occurs in 50,5 % of cosmetic products, extract of common ivy, which occurs in 25,3 % of cosmetic products, extract of horse chestnut, which occurs in 18,7 % of cosmetic products and extract of bladderwrack, which occurs in 17,6 % of cosmetic products. The most used cosmetically active ingredients are those that accelerate microcirculation and represent 51,4 % of the most frequently used cosmetically active ingredients. The least used cosmetically active ingredients are those that establish the normal structure of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. They represent 2,9 % cosmetically active ingredients in cosmetic products. After examining the ingredients of the selected products, the product that does not contain water, preservatives, alcohol, fragrances and dyes would be labeled as the safest one. As a cosmetically active ingredient contains aescin and coffee seed oil.
Secondary keywords: Kozmetični izdelki;Celulit;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za farmacijo, študij kozmetologije
Source comment: cosmetic product cosmetically active ingredient cellulite price range appearance
Pages: V, 62 f.
ID: 12038961