diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Patricija Tome (Author), Anton Dvoršek (Mentor), Andrej Gerjevič (Co-mentor)


Pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj se strokovnjaki za preiskovanje papilarnih linij vsakodnevno srečujejo s prstnimi sledmi najdenimi na kraju kaznivega dejanja. Primerjava prstne sledi in prstnega odtisa zahteva, da strokovnjaki na podlagi ujemanja morfoloških značilnosti presodijo ali imata obravnavana prstna sled in prstni odtis enak izvor. Primerjava prstne sledi in prstnega odtisa je kompleksna naloga, na katero vplivajo tudi številni dejavniki. Prstne sledi najdene na kraju kaznivega dejanja so pogosto nerazločne, predstavljajo le del blazinice prsta ali pa se prekrivajo z drugimi prstnimi sledmi. Naloga preiskovalcev na kraju kaznivega dejanja je poiskati, izzvati ter zavarovati prstne sledi. Ti postopki pa so eni izmed ključnih dejavnikov, ki prstno sled lahko poškodujejo s čimer je proces primerjave prstne sledi in prstnega odtisa otežen. Izvor prstne sledi vedno potrdi usposobljen daktiloskop, potrebno pa je zagotoviti, da daktiloskop pri svojem delu ni subjektiven in izvor prstne sledi potrdi le na podlagi objektivnih spoznanj. Potrebna je natančna analiza prstne sledi ter natančna primerjava prstne sledi s prstnim odtisom. Naštete dejavnike se lahko omeji s pomočjo uporabe metode ACE-V ter sistema GYRO, ki strokovnjakom omogočata proces primerjave prstne sledi in prstnega odtisa narediti transparenten in sistematičen. V diplomski nalogi smo na začetku opisali razliko med prstno sledjo in prstnim odtisom, saj je razumevanje le tega ključno za slednje nadaljnjemu besedilu. Opredelili smo osnovne postopke primerjav prstne sledi in prstnega odtisa, ter spoznali, da se za potrditev izvora prstne sledi še danes uporablja potrditev skladnih morfoloških značilnosti na prstni sledi in prstnem odtisu. Dejavnike, ki vplivajo na proces primerjave smo poskušali omejiti z uporabo metode ACE-V ter sistema GYRO in poskušali razložiti, zakaj je njuna uporaba relevantnega pomena pri potrditvi izvora prstne sledi. Na koncu ponudimo smernice za nadaljnjo raziskovanje dejavnikov, ki neposredno vplivajo na proces primerjave prstne sledi in prstnega odtisa.


diplomske naloge;prstna sled;prstni odtis;zunanji dejavniki;notranji dejavniki;primerjava prstne sledi in prstnega odtisa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [P. Tome]
UDC: 343.98(043.2)
COBISS: 29794051 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2228
Downloads: 44
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Deffining the difficulty of fingerprint comparisons
Secondary abstract: Forensic experts have used fingerprints in criminal investigations as a means of identification for more than hundred years. Latent fingerprints are one of the most common evidence found at the crime scenes. The comparison of a latent fingerprint and an exemplar fingerprint require experts to judge whether these two fingerprints originate from the same source. Comparison of forensic fingerprints images for purposes of identification is a complex task that is also influenced by many factors. Latent fingerprints collected from crime scenes are often noisy, distorted, damaged, overlapping with other fingerprints or represent only a portion of total fingerprint area, making comparison process more difficult. First to encounter latent fingerprints are investigators at the crime scene and their main task is to locate, enhance, preserve, and collect found latent fingerprints. During those procedures latent prints are easily damaged, so investigators must be incredibly careful while collecting and preserving latent fingerprints as evidence. Fingerprint specialist are the ones who confirm the origin of fingerprints, and it is necessary to ensure that experts confirm the origin of the fingerprint based on objective procedure. A detailed analysis of the fingerprint and thorough comparison of latent fingerprint with known fingerprint are required during the comparison process. Some of the factors can be limited by using the ACE-V method and the GYRO system, which allows professionals to make the comparison process more transparent and systematic. In the beginning of this diploma thesis we first described the difference between a latent fingerprint and exemplar fingerprint and defined the basic comparison procedures. We concluded that the numeric standards are still in use for conforming the origin of a latent fingerprints. In addition to that we tried to limit the factors influencing the comparison process by using the ACE-V method and the GYRO system and tried to explain why their use is relevant in confirming the origin of the fingerprint. At the end, we offer some guidelines for further research of the factors that directly influence the comparison process.
Secondary keywords: latent fingerprint;fingerprint;external factors;internal factors;fingerprint comparison;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VII, 52 str.
ID: 12042738
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, diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
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