diplomsko delo
Alja Primožič (Author), Mateja Pezdirc-Bartol (Mentor), Gašper Troha (Mentor)


Dramo Ladja brez imena je Vitomil Zupan napisal leta 1953 med svojim bivanjem v zaporu. Drama je izšla šele leta 1972 in ni bila nikoli uprizorjena. Gre za inovativen dramski tekst s kompleksno vsebino, ki prelamlja s tradicijo in se močno razlikuje od takrat prevladujočega literarnega toka socialnega realizma. Socialni realizem zahteva realistične like v življenjsko verjetnih situacijah, liki so predstavniki socialnega razreda in niso individuumi. Ladja brez imena pa se tem zakonom ne podreja. Dogajanje ni več realistično, temveč je metaforično in celo sanjsko. Dramske osebe so postavljene v mejne situacije, v katerih se same odločajo med dobrim in zlim, med željo in močjo. Liki, ki so individuumi, imajo moč svobodne volje, v čemer lahko zaznamo maniro eksistencializma. V drami so pogosti pesniški vložki in recitativi, zaradi česar bi jo lahko razumeli kot predhodnico poetične drame. Vendar se sanje in realnost menjavajo povsem poljubno, zaradi česar še ne gre za pravo poetično dramo. V ospredju drame je človek in njegova plovba med dobrim in zlim, v čemer bi lahko uzrli vpliv ekspresionizma.


slovenska književnost;slovenska dramatika;slovenski dramatiki;ekspresionizem;eksistencializem;poetična drama;Zupan;Vitomil;1914-1987;"Ladja brez imena";


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Primožič]
UDC: 821.163.6-2.09Zupan V.
COBISS: 31652611 Link will open in a new window
Views: 467
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A play by Vitomil Zupan Ladja brez imena
Secondary abstract: Play Ladja brez imena was written by Vitomil Zupan in 1953 during his prison years. It was released much later, in 1972, and was never staged. The play itself is an innovative dramatic text with complex content, that breaks with the tradition and differs heavily from the then-prevalent literary current of social realism. Social realism depicts realistic characters in presumably life-like situations and characters are not individuals but representations of a particular social class. Play Ladja brez imena does not follow these rules: happening is not realistic, but moreover metaphorical, even dreamlike. Characters are positioned in borderline situations, in which they themselves have to decide between good and evil, between wish and power. Individualized characters have the power of free will, which could be reminiscent of existentialism. Frequent poetic inputs and recitatives render the play as a precursor of poetic dramas. But because dreams and reality interchange completely at random, it is not yet a true poetic drama. In the foreground of the play is an individual as he sails between the good and the evil, which might be attributed to the effect of expressionism.
Secondary keywords: Slovenian literature;Slovenian dramatics;Slovenian dramatists;Expressionism;Existentialism;poetic drama;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000551
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovenistiko, Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo
Pages: 29 f.
ID: 12042879