diplomsko delo
Anja Žulič (Author), Alan Kacin (Reviewer), Tina Kavčič (Mentor)


Uvod: Fizioterapevti se pogosto srečujejo z osebami z mišično–skeletnimi okvarami in bolečinami, ki jih pogosto spremljajo različna intenzivna neprijetna čustva, vključno s tesnobnostjo, in lahko prizadenejo tudi duševno zdravje bolnikov. Vedno več raziskav kaže na povišano raven depresije med posamezniki z okvarami mišično-skeletnega sistema in med posamezniki s prisotno bolečino. Običajno jo lahko obvladujemo tako z zdravili kot tudi s psihološkimi in psihiatričnimi obravnavami, vendar je vloga telesne dejavnosti kot dodatek zdravilom in psihološkim obravnavam vse bolj priljubljena. V raziskavah so najpogosteje proučevali učinke aerobne vadbe. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil analizirati in predstaviti učinke aerobne vadbe na depresijo. Metode dela: Uporabili smo opisno metodo dela s pregledom literature. Iskali smo v spletnih iskalnikih in podatkovnih zbirkah: Google Učenjak, ScienceDirect, PubMed, MEDLINE, Elsevier, Cochrane Library in COBISS.SI. Iskanje je bilo omejeno na literaturo, dostopno v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, ki ni starejša od 10 let. Rezultati: Vključitvenim in izključitvenim kriterijem je ustrezalo šest znanstvenih člankov. Rezultati so homogeni, pokazali so, da aerobna vadba pripomore k zmanjšanju depresije, prišlo je do statistično značilnih sprememb v skupinah, ki so izvajale aerobno vadbo. Izvajanje aerobne vadbe se je povezovalo z nižjo stopnjo depresije, višjo ravnjo samopodobe, ugodnejšim splošnim duševnim zdravjem in izboljšano kakovostjo življenja. V raziskavah ni prišlo do statistično značilnih razlik med različnimi vrstami aerobne vadbe. Aerobna vadba je lahko učinkovita podporna metoda zdravljenja, ne more pa biti samostojen način zdravljenja. Razprava in zaključek: Dokazano je, da je aerobna vadba učinkovita pri zmanjšanju depresije, zato lahko fizioterapevt s pravilnim pristopom pacientom tudi svetuje in jih motivira, da lahko postanejo bolj telesno aktivni in posledično zmanjšajo depresijo. Osredotočiti bi se bilo treba tudi na prehod med vadbo kot delom rehabilitacije in dolgoročnim vzdrževanjem vadbe zunaj zdravstvenega varstva. V nadaljnje raziskave bi bilo treba vključiti večji vzorec preiskovancev in več moških zaradi posplošljivosti dobljenih rezultatov. Pomembno je ozaveščanje o depresiji, saj naj bi fizioterapevt znal izbrati pravilen pristop k pacientu, ki kaže simptome depresije.


diplomska dela;fizioterapija;duševno zdravje;depresija;aerobna vadba;bolečina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [A. Žulič]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 29761283 Link will open in a new window
Views: 755
Downloads: 295
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effects of aerobic exercise on reducing depression - literature review
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Physiotherapists often encounter people with musculoskeletal disorders and pain, which are often accompanied by a variety of intense unpleasant emotions, including anxiety, and that can affect patient's mental health. Growing research shows an increased level of depression among individuals with musculoskeletal disorders and individuals in pain. The pain can usually be managed with both medication and psychological treatments, but the role of physical activity as an adjunct to medications and psychological treatments is becoming more and more popular. The effects of aerobic exercise were most commonly studied. Purpose: The purpose of the literature review was to analyze and present the effects of aerobic exercise on depression. Methods: We used a descriptive method with a literature review. We searched online and in databases: Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, PubMed, MEDLINE, Elsevier, Cochrane Library and COBISS.SI. The search was limited to literature available in Slovenian and English language, not older than 10 years. Results: Six scientific studies met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results are homogeneous, indicating that aerobic exercise helps reduce depression, there were statistically significant changes in the groups performing aerobic exercise. Participating in aerobic exercise was linked to a lower rate of depression, higher levels of self-esteem, better general mental health, and improved quality of life. In the research there were no statistically significant differences between the different types of aerobic exercise. Thus, aerobic exercise can be an effective supportive treatment method, but it cannot be a stand-alone treatment. Discussion and conclusion: Empirical evidence suggests that aerobic exercise can be effectively used to reduce depression. Therefore, physiotherapists can carefully advise their patients and motivate them to become more physical active and consequently somewhat relieve their depression. Special attention should also be paid to the transition from exercise as a part of the rehabilitation to the long-term maintenance of exercise. In order to increase the generalizability of the results obtained, future research should include larger number of participants, especially males. It is important to raise awareness about depression, since physiotherapists ought to be able to choose the right approach towards patients who show symptoms of depression.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;physiotherapy;mental health;depression;aerobic exercise;pain;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Pages: 30 str.
ID: 12046406