magistrsko delo
Tomaž Kardinar (Author), Samo Fošnarič (Mentor)


Glavni cilj magistrskega dela z naslovom Preverjanje ročnih spretnosti osnovnošolskih otrok pri obdelavi papirnih gradiv na območju Apaškega polja je preveriti ročne spretnosti otrok pri delu s papirjem, od učiteljev pa pridobiti mnenja, povezana z ročnimi spretnostmi otrok. Preverjali smo pravilnost in natančnost striženja ostrih in mehkih oblik, lepljenja, nanašanja mer na papir in risanja, rezanja z nožem iz lepenke, žlebičenja z risalnim žebljičkom, pregibanja, luknjanja z ušesnimi kleščami, kovičenja s kleščami za kovičenje, spajanja s pisemskimi razcepki in spenjanja s spenjačem. Pri učencih so nas predvsem zanimale razlike med spoloma in razredom, pri učiteljih pa razlike glede na lokacijo poučevanja ter glede na delovne izkušnje. Analiza odgovorov učiteljev je pokazala, da na odgovore ne vpliva lokacija poučevanja, je pa mogoče zaznati razlike med učitelji glede na delovne izkušnje. Pri preverjanju ročnih spretnosti smo ugotovili, da so pri obdelovalnih postopkih papirja dekleta bolj natančna od fantov, skupno bolj natančni pa so starejši otroci. Enako se je izkazalo pri pravilnosti obdelovalnih postopkov, saj so petošolci obdelovalne postopke papirja obvladali bolje od četrtošolcev.


magistrska dela;ročne spretnosti otrok;obdelava papirnih gradiv;obdelovalni postopki papirja;papir;Apaško polje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Kardinar]
UDC: 502/504:37.091.33-027.22(043.2)
COBISS: 35631363 Link will open in a new window
Views: 775
Downloads: 125
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Assessing the manual skills of primary schoolchildren from the Apače field treating paper materials
Secondary abstract: The main objective in the thesis titled Assessing the manual skills of primary schoolchildren from the apače field treating paper materials was to test the manual skills of children when treating paper, as well as acquire the teachers' opinions on the manual skills of children. We tested the correctness and precision when cutting sharp and soft shapes, sticking, applying measurements and drawings on paper, cutting with a cardboard knife, pinning with a pushpin, folding, punching holes with a hole puncher, riveting with riveting pliers, clipping with paper clips, and stapling with a stapler. We were mostly interested in the children's differences between gender and classes, whereas with the teachers, we were focused on the differences according to their teaching location and work experience. The analysis of teachers' replies has showed that the teaching location has a significant impact, with differences among teachers with regards to their work experience as well. When assessing manual skills, we came to the conclusion that girls are more precise when treating paper than boys, whereas the older children are more precise than the younger ones. We found the same results when assessing the correctness of the techniques used, where the 5th-grade children showed more skill at treating paper than 4th-grade children.
Secondary keywords: master theses;children's manual skills;treating paper materials;techiques of treating paper;paper;Apače field;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek razredni pouk
Pages: XXIII, 166 f.
ID: 12048025