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Anže Kosmač (Author), Vedran Hadžić (Reviewer), Edvin Dervišević (Consultant), Vojko Strojnik (Mentor)


Dandanes so bolečine v ledvenem delu hrbtenice pogost pojav, njihova prevalenca linearno narašča od tretjega desetletja življenja do šestega desetletja življenja. Pogosteje se pojavi pri ženskah kot pri moških. (Meucci, Fassa in Faria, 2015). Verjetno zaradi drugačne anatomije ženskega skeleta (širša medenica, bolj poudarjen nagib medenice naprej zaradi lažjega rojevanja). Nekatere študije nakazujejo na to, da so bolečine v ledvenem delu hrbtenice pogostejše pri populaciji, ki dela sede (Stefansdottir in Gudmundsdottir, 2016, Sanya in Omokhodion, 2003 ter A., Amorim in ostali, 2017). Prav tako je visoka prevalenca v športu, najvišja je pri kanuistih ter pri teku na smučeh. Pri športnikih ima zelo širok razpon (od 1% do 94%). (Trompeter, Fett in Platen, 2017). Krajše mišice okoli medenice in kolka lahko vplivajo na povečanje prednjega nagiba medenice in s tem na povečanje ledvene lordoze, ki je po nekaterih študijah tesno povezana s povečanjem bolečin v ledvenem delu hrbtenice in nekaterimi hrbteničnimi bolezni. Skrajšanje mišic vpliva na njihovo krčenje. V primeru nagiba medenice naprej med samim sedenjem imamo zaradi načina sedenja skrajšane upogibalke kolka in trupa, podaljšane upogibalke kolen, iztegovalke kolka ter iztegovalke trupa. Manjša vzdržljivost mišic iztegovalk trupa je tesno povezana z nastankom bolečin v ledvenem delu hrbtenice. Skozi zgoraj omenjeno kineziologijo medenice lahko vidimo, kakšen vpliv imajo mišice na držo celega telesa (preko medenice). Poleg mišic lahko na položaj medenice vpliva pronacija stopal, katera prisili spodnje okončine v notranjo rotacijo in s tem nagib medenice naprej. Za preprečevanje nagiba medenice naprej je prvo važno prepoznavanje nagiba naprej z različnimi testi. Ko določimo nagib medenice naprej, se reševanja problema lahko lotimo s proprioceptivno vadbo zavedanja položaja medenice med izvedbo različnih nalog.


šport;ledveni del hrbtenice;bolečine;poškodbe;mišice v kolčnem sklepu;mišice v medeničnem sklepu;trebušne mišice;hrbtna muskulatura;vezi;drža ljudi;učinek vaj;nagib medenice;preventiva;napotki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [A. Kosmač]
UDC: 796:611.711:616-009.7
COBISS: 34644483 Link will open in a new window
Views: 535
Downloads: 148
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Relationship between anterior pelvic tilt and lower back pain
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, lower back pain is a very common occurence. The prevalence of lower back pain grows linear from the third to the sixth decade of life. It's more common with women than men. (Meucci, Fassa and Faria, 2015). It is believed that this is the cause of their anatomy (wider pelvis and pronounced anterior pelvic tilt for the needs of labour). Studies show that lower back pain is more common with seated workers (Stefansdottir in Gudmundsdottir, 2016, Sanya in Omokhodion, 2003 and A., Amorim et. al., 2017). Lower back pain prevalence is also high in sports, the highest prevalence is found with canoeists and cross-country skiers. However, the prevalence in sports has a wide range (from 1% to 94%). (Trompeter, Fett and Platen, 2017). Shortened muscles around the pelvis and the hip joint can cause an even bigger anterior pelvic tilt. This results in a greater lumbar lordosis, which is, according to studies, linked with higher prevalence of lower back pain and other back problems. The shortening of muscles also affects their ability to contract. Anterior pelvic tilt, while seated, causes shortening of hip and trunk flexors, elongation of knee flexors, hip and trunk extensors. Weakened trunk extensors are tightly correlated with the onset of lower back pain. With the above explanation of hip kinesiology, we can understand how the muscles of the pelvis can affect our posture. Apart from muscles, pronation of the feet can also cause anterior pelvic tilting (it forces the lower extremities into internal rotation, which results in anterior pelvic tilting). It is crucial to test and diagnose anterior pelvic tilt with different tests if we want to prevent anterior pelvic tilting. We can only start solving the problem after we have determined the amount of anterior pelvic tilting. The best exercises used for this are proprioceptive exercises which enforce the proper pelvic mechanics during the different tasks.
Secondary keywords: sport;anterior pelvic tilt;lower back pain;prevention;instruction;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 81 f.
ID: 12053341