Namen prispevka:
Namen prispevka je pregledati literaturo o finančnih vidikih področij nasilja odraslih otrok nad starši in nasilja nad starejšimi.
Prispevek temelji na pregledu literature in razpravi o dejavnikih ter ekonomskih posledicah nasilja odraslih otrok nad ostarelimi starši. Literatura je bila pridobljena s pomočjo različnih kombinacij po korenih ključnih besed, povezanih s tematiko: nasil*, star*, zlorab*, finan*, elder*, abus*, violen*, parent*, child* in econom*. Uporabljena je bila metoda snežne kepe.
Natančne stroške, ki nastanejo kot posledica nasilja odraslih otrok nad starši, je težko oceniti. Povezava med nasiljem v družini in finančnimi stroški namreč ni preprosta. Dejavnika za to dejstvo lahko iščemo v neprijavljanju tovrstnih primerov in prepletanju več oblik nasilja. Tako se pogosto zgodi, da so stroški, ki so posledica ekonomskega nasilja, nemalokrat močno podcenjeni ali pa celo spregledani in se tako ne upoštevajo, ker so morda nastali vzporedno z dotično proučevano vrsto nasilja (npr. ob fizičnem nasilju). Zaradi nasilja odraslih otrok nad ostarelimi starši ne nastajajo zgolj kratkoročni, temveč tudi dolgoročni stroški, kar lahko vpliva na gospodarsko stabilnost države.
Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave
Ugotovitve prispevka dajejo izhodišča za razpravo o oblikovanju programov za zmanjševanje nasilja odraslih otrok nad starši.
Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka:
To je prvi slovenski prispevek, ki povezuje finančni vidik nasilja nad starejšimi z nasiljem odraslih otrok nad starši. Prispevek je izhodišče za empirično študijo, ki bi lahko obravnavala finančni vidik nasilja odraslih otrok nad starši v Sloveniji.
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
1.02 - Review Article |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
UDC: |
343.9:343.62-053.9 |
1580-0253 |
Parent publication: |
Views: |
440 |
Downloads: |
25 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Factors and economic consequences of violence toward elderly parents by adult children |
Secondary abstract: |
The purpose of the paper is to review the literature on the financial aspects of violence toward parents by adult children and of elder abuse.
The paper is based on a literature review and discussion on the factors and economic consequences of violence toward elderly by adult children. The literature was obtained by various combination of root keywords related to the topic: nasil*, stare*, zlorab*, finan*, elder*, abus*, violen*, parent*, child* and econom*. The snowball research method was used.
The exact cost of violence toward parents by their adult children is difficult to estimate. The link between domestic violence and financial costs is not simple. Factors behind this fact can be found in the underreporting of such cases and intertwining of several forms of violence. Thus, it often happens that the costs resulting from economic violence are often greatly underestimated or even overlooked and thus are not taken into account because they may have arisen in parallel with the type of studied violence (e.g. in the case of physical violence). Not only short-term but also long-term costs are caused by violence toward elderly parents by adult children. These costs can affect the economic stability of the country.
Research Limitations / Implications:
The findings of the paper provide a starting point for discussing the design of prevention programs in cases of violence toward parents by adult children.
This paper is the first of its kind in Slovenia that links the financial aspects of elder abuse and violence toward parents by adult children. The contribution is a starting point for an empirical study which could address only financial aspects of violence toward parents by adult children in Slovenia. |
Secondary keywords: |
violence;adults;children;parents;elderly;finances; |
Type (COBISS): |
Scientific work |
Pages: |
str. 179-196 |
Volume: |
ǂLetn. ǂ22 |
Issue: |
ǂšt. ǂ2 |
Chronology: |
2020 |
ID: |
12055962 |