diplomsko delo
Zala Barlič (Author), Nevenka Gričar (Reviewer), Alenka Plemelj Mohorič (Mentor)


Uvod: Terapija s pomočjo živali uporablja vez med človekom in živaljo, pri čemer izvajamo ciljno usmerjene terapije v procesu zdravljenja. V procesu terapije s pomočjo živali sodelujejo terapevt, uporabnik, vodnik živali in terapevtska žival .Terapije s pomočjo živali imajo pri otrocih velik pomen, saj znižujejo vedenjske, čustvene in verbalne stiske. Otroci so na terapijah bolj željni sodelovanja s terapevtom ter bolj pozorni in odzivni. Prisotnost živali na terapiji otroka spodbudi, da se pridruži socialnim aktivnostim. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti delovnoterapevtsko obravnavo z vključevanjem terapije z živalmi in proučiti doprinos živali na delovanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami, ter ugotoviti prednosti in pomanjkljivosti vključitve terapije v obravnavo. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature, ki je bila objavljena med letom 2010 in 2020. Za analizo je bil uporabljen model PRISMA. Za iskanje literature smo uporabili ključne besede: »occupational therapy«, »animal assisted therapy«, »children with special needs«, »canine assisted therapy« in »equine assisted therapy«. Literatura je bila iskana preko iskalnikov e-virov: DiKul, Google učenjak in PubMed ter preko e-vira: Science Direct. V končno analizo literature je bilo vključenih 8 raziskav. Rezultati: Vključevanje terapije s pomočjo živali v delovnoterapevtsko obravnavo ima pozitiven učinek. Živali vključene v delovnoterapevtsko obravnavo zvišajo motivacijo in samozavest otrok, otroci so bolj sproščeni, učinkujejo na boljšo kontrolo trupa, motorične spretnosti in komunikacijo. Pri izvajanju terapij s pomočjo živali, je prišlo tudi do nekaterih pomanjkljivosti in sicer kontraindikacije (alergije, strah pred živalmi…), premalo znanja o terapijah s pomočjo živali ter nepovezanost med terapevtom in vodnikom živali. Razprava in zaključek: S pregledom literature smo ugotovili, da ima vključevanje konja in psa v delovnoterapevtsko obravnavo pozitiven vpliv na delovnoterapevtsko obravnavo pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami. Tako bi lahko raziskava spodbudila, da bi delovni terapevti več uporabljali terapijo s pomočjo živali, tako pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami, kakor pri drugi populaciji.


diplomska dela;delovna terapija;terapija s pomočjo psa;terapija s pomočjo konja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [Z. Barlič]
UDC: 615.851
COBISS: 30842627 Link will open in a new window
Views: 610
Downloads: 256
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Animal assisted therapy in occupational therapy for children with special needs
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Animal assisted therapy is using human-animal bond, performing goaloriented therapies in the treatment process. In the treatment process participate the therapist, the user, the animal guide and the therapeutic animal. Animal-assisted therapies in children are great importance as they reduce behavioral, emotional, and verbal distress. Children are more eager to cooperate with the therapist and more attentive and responsive. The presence of animals in the therapy encourages the child to join social activities. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work was to study occupational therapy treatment by including animal assisted therapies and to study the contribution of animals to the functioning of a child with special needs, and to identify advantages and disadvantages of the therapies included in treatment. Methods: In the diploma work we used a review of professional and scientific literature, which was published between 2010 and 2020. The PRISMA model was used for analysis. We used the keywords »occupational therapy«, »animal assisted therapy«, »children with special needs«, »canine assisted therapy« and »equine assisted therapy«. We searched the literature through e-sources search engines: DiKul. Google Scholar, PubMed and through e-source: Science Direct. Eight studies were included in the final literature analysis. Results: The inclusion of animal assisted therapy in occupational therapy treatment shows a positive effect. The involvement of animals in occupational therapy treatment increases the motivation and self-confidence of children, children are more relaxed, it effects on better torso control, motor skills and communication. There were also some disadvantages in the implementation of animal assisted therapies, namely contraindications (allergies, fear of animals…), insufficient knowledge about animal assisted therapies and the lack of connection between the therapist and the animal guide. Discussion and conclusion: A review of the literature found that the inclusion of horse and dog in occupational therapy treatment has positive impact on occupational therapy treatment with children with special needs. The research could encourage occupational therapists to use animal assisted therapy more, both in children with special needs and in the general population.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;occupational therapy;canine assisted therapy;equine assisted therapy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za delovno terapijo
Pages: 29 str., [5] str. pril
ID: 12058537