diplomsko delo
Lara Arzenšek (Author), Andreja Vezovnik (Mentor)


Za raziskovanje tematike me je spodbudilo delovanje znotraj samoorganiziranih skupin na področju migracij in integracije, kjer se naslavlja ter rešuje mnoge integracijske težave. V delu sem skozi koncepte solidarnosti, samoorganizacije in integracije raziskovala povode migrantov za samoorganiziranje ter delovanje znotraj skupnosti kakor tudi samo delovanje teh struktur in delovanja posameznikov znotraj njih. Raziskovanje je bilo izvedeno s kvalitativno metodo, in sicer s štirimi polstrukturiranimi intervjuji, ki so potekali z osebo s statusom prosilca za azil, dvema osebama s statusom begunca in aktivistko z migrantskim ozadjem. Pri tem sem ugotovila, da prihaja pri dojemanju temeljev samoorganiziranih skupnostih do razlik med aktivisti in migranti. Prvi se namreč organizirajo bolj okoli političnega aktivizma, medtem ko se drugi organizirajo okoli solidarnosti. Strukture in delovanje tovrstnih skupnosti temelji na egalitarizmu, vendar pa se struktura in delovanje migrantom ne zdita smiselna. To je tudi eden od razlogov, zaradi katerih prihaja do trenj znotraj teh skupnosti, kasnejših razpadov in organiziranja novih skupin. Prosilci in begunci pa integracijske težave v veliki meri rešujejo na neformalne načine, tudi znotraj samoorganiziranih skupnosti.


samoorganizacija;migranti;integracija;solidarnost;aktivizem;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [L. Arzenšek]
UDC: 314.15(043.2)
COBISS: 37515779 Link will open in a new window
Views: 321
Downloads: 88
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Self-organisation as the answer to inadequate integration practices
Secondary abstract: Working within self-organised groups in the field of migration and integration where many of integration problems are being solved, has driven me to explore this topic further. Migrants motives for self-organisation and working within such communities as well as the functioning of these structures and collaboration of individuals within them, have been researched through the concepts of solidarity, self-organisation and integration. The research has been conducted using a qualitative method, namely four semi-structured interviews carried out with an asylum seeker, two persons with refugee status and an activist with a migrant background. In doing so, I found that there are differences between activists and migrants in their perception of the base of self-organised communities. The former are organised more around political activism while the latter are organised around solidarity. The structures and functioning of such communities are based on egalitarianism, however, the structure and functioning of those make no sense to migrants. This is also one of the reasons why there is friction within these communities, subsequent disintegrations and the organisation of new groups. Asylum seekers and refugees largely solve integration problems in informal ways, including within self-organised communities.
Secondary keywords: self-organisation;migrants;integration;solidarity;activism;Begunci;Refugees;Solidarnost;Solidarity;Skupnost;Community;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 52 str.
ID: 12059903
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