ustanovitelj nemškega imperija


Magistrsko delo obravnava življenje Otta von Bismarcka. Kot sin ponižnega očeta in matere iz srednjega sloja, čigar predniki so pustili svoj pečat v zgodovini, si je tudi Bismarck prizadeval, da bi se vtisnil v spomin zgodovine. Otto Leopold Eduard von Bismarck se je rodil 1. aprila 1815 v Schönehausenu. Imel je težavno otroštvo. Otto naj bi svojega očeta Ferdinanda ljubil bolj kot mamo Wihelmino, ki ga je vpisala v najboljšo srednjo šolo Graue Kloster v Berlinu. Po končani srednji šoli ga je Wilhelmina poslala v kraljestvo Hanover, kjer je obiskoval univerzo v Göttingenu. Maja 1835 je opravil zaključni izpit, po katerem se je usposobil za državno službo v Prusiji. Leta 1851 je postal poslanec v pruskem deželnem zboru, 1859 pruski poslanik v Petrogradu in 1862 v Parizu. Istega leta je postal pruski kancler. Od takrat naprej si je prizadeval za združitev Nemčije pod okriljem Prusije in nato krepitev in širjenje nemškega cesarstva. Sprva je korenito reorganiziral in moderniziral pruske oborožene sile. Leta 1864 je dosegel, da je Prusija skupaj z Avstrijo napadla Dansko in Prusiji priključil Schleswig. Leta 1866 je premagala Avstrijo in vzela pod svoje okrilje tudi severne nemške državice. Istega leta je Bismarck ustanovil Severnonemško konfederacijo. Leta 1870 je izzval francosko-prusko vojno in po zmagi priključil pod okrilje Prusije tudi južne nemške države. 18. januarja 1871 so v Versaillesu Nemčijo razglasili za cesarstvo, pruskega kralja Viljema I. pa za cesarja. Leta 1873 je sklenil zvezo treh cesarjev (z Avstro-Ogrsko in Rusijo) in na ta način hotel osamiti Francijo. Rusija je kmalu izstopila iz zveze, zato je 1882 ustanovil podobno zvezo z Italijo in Avstro-Ogrsko. Leta 1885 je pridobil nekaj afriških kolonij in sklenil z Rusijo varnostni pakt. V notranji politiki se je opiral na junkerje (zemljiško plemstvo v Prusiji) in velike kapitaliste; skušal je vzpostaviti in utrditi pruski militaristični absolutizem. S katoliško cerkvijo na nemškem jugu se je zapletel v t. i. kulturkampf. Boril se je tudi proti delovanju socialistov in proti politični svoboščinam; v ta namen je 1878 izdal "Izjemni zakon", ki je prepovedal delovanje socialnih demokratov. Leta 1890 je po prepiru s cesarjem Viljemom II. odstopil. Umrl je 30. julija 1898 v Friedrichsruhu! v Nemškem cesarstvu.


magistrska dela;Otto von Bismarck;diplomat;politik;kancler;Prusija;Nemčija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [P. Grašič]
UDC: 929Bismarck O.:94(430)"18"(043.2)
COBISS: 53647107 Link will open in a new window
Views: 436
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bismarck: the founder of the German Empire
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with the life of Otto von Bismarck. As the son of a humble father and a bourgeois mother whose ancestors left their mark on history, Bismarck also endeavored to leave his mark on the path of history. Otto Leopold Eduard von Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815 in Schönehausen. Bismarck had a rather difficult childhood. Otto always loved his father Ferdinand more than his mother Wihelmina, who enrolled him in the best high school Graue Kloster in Berlin. After graduating from high school, Wilhelmina's mother sent him to the Kingdom of Hanover, where he attended the University of Göttingen. In May 1835 he passed the final examination, after which he qualified for civil service in Prussia. In 1851 he became a deputy in the Prussian Provincial Assembly, in 1859 a Prussian ambassador in St. Petersburg, and in 1862 in Paris. In the same year he became Chancellor of Prussia. From then on, he sought to unite Germany under the leadership of Prussia and then to strengthen and expand the German Empire. Initially, he radically reorganized and modernized the Prussian armed forces. In 1864, together with Austria, he invaded Denmark and Schleswig to Prussia. In 1866 he defeated Austria and connected under his umbrella the northern German states to Prussia and founded the North German Confederation. In 1870 he provoked the Franco-Prussian War and after the victory connected the southern German states. On January 18, 1871, Germany was proclaimed emperor in Versailles and King William I of Prussia was proclaimed emperor. Within the empire, some monarchs retained the principal rights of sovereigns in the union. In 1873 he concluded an alliance of three emperors (with Austria-Hungary and Russia) and in this way wanted to isolate France. Russia soon withdrew from the alliance, so in 1882 he established a similar alliance with Italy and Austria-Hungary. In 1885 Prussia under his leadership gained several African colonies and concluded a security pact with Russia. In domestic politics he relied on the Junkers (land nobility in Prussia) and the big capitalists; he sought to establish and consolidate Prussian militaristic absolutism. With the Catholic Church in the German south he became entangled in t. i. Kultur Kampf. He also fought against the actions of the Socialists and against political freedoms; to this end, in 1878 he issued the "Exceptional Law," which forbade the activities of the Social Democrats. In 1890 he resigned after a quarrel with Emperor William II. He died July 30, 1898, in Friedrichsruh, German Empire.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Otto von Bismarck;diplomat;politican;chancellor;Prussia;Germany;Bismarck;von Otto;1815-1898;Zgodovina;Politiki;Diplomati;Predsedniki vlad;Prusija;Nemčija;1862-1980;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;Biografije;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: X, 95 f.
ID: 12107024
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