magistrsko delo


Prevajanje filmskih naslovov ni preprosto, saj gledalci s filmskim naslovom dobimo prvi vtis o filmu. Za ogled filma se velikokrat odločamo samo na podlagi naslova filma, če ta vzbudi dovolj našega zanimanja. Če naslov ni dovolj zanimiv, je manj verjetno, da si bo gledalec ogledal film, ki smo ga prevajali, česar pa ne želimo. Prevajalec ima težko nalogo; mora se čim bolj približati izvirniku, istočasno pa mora poskrbeti, da bo naslov dovolj zanimiv za ciljno občinstvo in bo deloval v ciljni kulturi. Prevajalcem so lahko pri njihovem delu v veliko pomoč prevajalske strategije, ki smo jih predstavili v teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela. Obravnavali smo teorijo Andrewa Chestermana, Petra Newmarka in Mone Baker. V empiričnem delu smo opazovali, kako uporaba določenih strategij deluje v praksi. V magistrskem delu smo opazovali zelo raznolike prevajalske strategije, ki jih prevajalci uporabljajo pri prevajanju filmskih naslovov. Analizirali smo tudi, katere strategije so najpogosteje uporabljene pri prevajanju naslovov animiranih filmov in grozljivk. Ugotovili smo, da se pogostost uporabe prevajalskih strategij razlikuje od žanra do žanra. Naša raziskava, ki temelji na 389 primerih filmskih naslovov, zbranih iz slovenskih filmskih arhivov od leta 2000 do 2020, prikazuje, da prevladujeta dve prevajalski strategiji: dobesedni prevod in dodajanje.


magistrska dela;prevajanje filmskih naslovov;animirani filmi;grozljivke;prevajalske strategije;filmski naslovi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [V. Polanec]
UDC: 81'25:791=111=163.6(043.2)
COBISS: 53373955 Link will open in a new window
Views: 650
Downloads: 39
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Translation strategies in translating titles of animated and horror movies in Slovenian cinemas
Secondary abstract: Translating movie titles is a challenging task, as it gives the viewers a first impression about the film. If a movie title attracts viewers' attention, they often decide to watch a movie basing their decision solely on a movie title. If the title is not interesting enough, the viewers are less likely to watch the movie. The translator's task in case of translating movie titles is difficult, as he or she needs to keep the title as close to the original as possible, also making it interesting for the target audience and ensuring it functions in the target culture. Translation strategies, presented in the theoretical part of the master's thesis, can be of some help to translators during the translation process. The theoretical approaches by Chesterman, Newmark and Baker are discussed. The empirical part examines how certain translation strategies are used in practice. This master's thesis focuses on various translation strategies used by Slovene translators when rendering movie titles. The thesis focuses on the analysis of those translation strategies which are most commonly used when translating animated and horror movies. The results demonstrated that the use of translation strategies varies from one genre to another. The research, based on 389 examples collected from Slovenian cinema archives from 2000 to 2020, shows two predominating translation strategies: literal translation and addition.
Secondary keywords: master theses;translation of movie titles;animated movies;horor movies;translation strategies;movie titles;Prevajanje in tolmačenje;Lastna imena;Kinematografi;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;Animirani filmi;Grozljive drame;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Pages: IV, 138 str.
ID: 12159625