diplomsko delo
Petra Sluga (Author), Samo Fošnarič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vključevanje raznolikih delovnih gradiv v procesu razvijanja finomotoričnih spretnosti v vrtcu želimo vzgojiteljem, staršem in tudi otrokom približati delovno-tehnično vzgojo. Z malo truda in volje lahko otroku omogočimo, da ima vsak dan možnost poseči po delovnih gradivih in orodjih, s katerimi lahko uri ustvarjalno-tehnične sposobnosti. Cilj diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kako lahko vzgojitelj s svojim delom in poudarkom na tehnično-tehnoloških dejavnostih razvija finomotorične spretnosti otrok. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili razvoj motorike in finomotorične spretnosti, vlogo vzgojitelja pri spodbujanju finomotoričnih spretnosti, izbiro didaktičnega materiala oz. različna delovna gradiva, ki jih lahko ponudimo otrokom, ter kako lahko opazimo vidne znake zaostanka pri razvoju finomotoričnih spretnosti. Analiza anketnega vprašalnika v empiričnem delu je pokazala, da imajo otroci v vrtcu dobro spodbudno okolje, s katerim vzgojitelj spodbuja razvijanje finomotoričnih spretnosti otrok z vključevanjem raznolikih delovnih gradiv. Kljub temu da v vsaki igralnici ni ponujenega tehnično-tehnološkega kotička, lahko otroci še vedno urijo finomotorične spretnosti z drugimi vsakodnevnimi aktivnostmi, kot so: listanje knjig, sestavljanje kock, oblačenje punčk, lepljenje, striženje, mešanje testa, plastelina in gline. Na podlagi rezultatov in empiričnega dela smo v praktičnem delu predstavili primer izdelave mehke igrače, ki si jo lahko otroci s pomočjo odrasle osebe naredijo sami. Z izdelavo igrače otrok s čutili (vizualno, taktilno ...) doživlja lastnosti materiala in pripomočkov, ki jih potrebujemo pri sami izdelavi. Otrokom v vrtcu smo mehko igračo predstavili z igro vlog, nato so se lahko z njo tudi igrali (zapenjanje ježkov, odpiranje in zapiranje zadrge, natikanje barvnih krogcev na vezalko itd.). V času počitka smo zasledili, da je deček, star tri leta, vzel to mehko igračo na ležalnik in z njo objet zaspal.


diplomska dela;razvoj motorike;ročne spretnosti;kurikulum za vrtce;delovno gradivo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Sluga]
UDC: 373.2:62(043.2)
COBISS: 47501827 Link will open in a new window
Views: 338
Downloads: 48
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Using various work materials in the process of developing fine motor skills in kindergarten
Secondary abstract: The goal of this thesis, titled Using various work materials in the process of developing fine motor skills in kindergarten, is to bring educators, parents and children closer to work and technical education. With a little effort and will it is possible to enable children to have the opportunity to use work materials and tools every day. With that, they can develop and improve their creative and technical abilities. The aim of this diploma thesis is to find out how an educator can help children develop their fine motor skills with technical and technological activities. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we present the development of motor skills and fine motor skills, the role of the educator in promoting fine motor skills, the role of the didactic materials or various work materials that can be offered to children as well as the way to notice visible signs when children are falling behind the development of fine motor skills. The analysis of the questionnaire in the empirical part showed that children in kindergarten have a good stimulating environment, with which the educator encourages the development of children's fine motor skills by using a variety of work materials. Even though not every playroom offers technical and technological activities, these children can still practice fine motor skills through other daily activities, such as: browsing through books, assembling cubes, dressing dolls, gluing, shearing, mixing the dough as well as playing with plasticine and clay. Based on the results and empirical work, in the practical part, we presented an example of a soft toy that children can make themselves with the help of an adult. By making a toy, children use their senses (visual, tactile and so on) to experience the attributes of the material and accessories that are needed in the making of the toys. We introduced the soft toy to the children in the kindergarten through role play. Then the children had the opportunity to also play with the soft toy (they fastened hoop-and-loop fasteners, opened and closed zippers, put coloured circles on the laces and so on). During the rest time, we noticed that a three-year-old boy took the soft toy on a lounger and fell asleep with it.
Secondary keywords: theses;development of motor skills;manual skills;curiculum for kindergarten;work materials;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: XII, 65 str., 7 str. pril.
ID: 12232768