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Matic Plešnik (Author), Marko Petrič (Reviewer), Ida Poljanšek (Mentor), Primož Oven (Co-mentor)


Na podlagi preliminarnih poskusov smo zasnovali laboratorijsko postavitev petfazne protitočne ekstrakcije, da bi iz lesa ekstrahirali pinosilvine, ki bi lahko bili primerni za uporabo v prehrani. Kot vir iskanih komponent smo uporabili les rdečega bora, iz več dreves na dveh različnih slovenskih rastiščih. Industrijske vzorce grč in jedrovine smo laboratorijsko pripravili kot homogeni granulat. Za topilo smo uporabili destilirano vodo, vodni raztopini etanol/H2O (50/50, 60/40 (v/v)) ter vodno raztopino aceton/H2O (95/5 (v/v)). Ekstrakcija je potekala 15 min pri temperaturi vrelišča posameznega topila. Ekstraktom smo z UV-VIS absorpcijsko spektroskopijo določili vsebnost celokupnih fenolov in s HPLC analizo vsebnost pinosilvina (PS) ter pinosilvin monometilnega etra (PSMME). Vsebnost obravnavanih komponent je bila najnižja pri vodnih ekstraktih (grče <13 mg/g, jedrovina <5 mg/g). Najvišjo vsebnost pa smo dosegli z acetonsko ekstrakcijo (grče <35 mg/g, jedrovina <10 mg/g). Medtem ko so etanolni ekstrakti vsebovali: grče <33 mg/g, jedrovina <10 mg/g. Razmerje med ekstrahiranim pinosilvinom in pinosilvin monometilnim etrom je pri vodnih ekstraktih okoli 1:1,5 pri etanolnih in acetonskih ekstraktih pa 1:3. Protitočna ekstrakcija je primerna metoda za pridobivanje pinosilvinov iz lesa borov.


les;rdeči bor;grče;protitočna ekstrakcija;ekstrakti;pinosilvin;HPLC;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Plešnik]
UDC: 630*813.2
COBISS: 2342537 Link will open in a new window
Views: 309
Downloads: 43
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Wood of Scots pine as a source of pinosylvins
Secondary abstract: On the basis of preliminary research, we have set a laboratory setting of five stage counter-current extraction to extract pinosylvins out of wood. As a source of pinosylvin, we used ground wood tissues of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from different habitats in Slovenia. To simulate an industrial sample, we separately prepared homogenous mixture of milled tissues, knots and heartwood. The samples were extracted with pure distilled water, ethanol/H2O (50/50, 60/40 (v/v)) and acetone/H2O (95/5 (v/v)). Each cycle lasted for 15 minutes at boiling temperature of the solvent. Then the extraction efficiency was evaluated gravimetricaly. We used UV-VIS spectroscopy to determine the content of total phenols. By using HPLC analysis we determinated the content of pinosylvin (PS) and pinosylvin monomethyl ether (PSMME). Knots were a better source of pinosylvin than heartwood at all solvents used. The content of te observed compounds was the lowest in the case of extraction with pure water (knots <13 mg/g, heartwood <5 mg/g), higher in ethanolic extracts (knots <33 mg/g, heartwood <10 mg/g) and the highest when extracted with acetone (knots <35 mg/g, heartwood <10 mg/g). The ratio between PS and PSMME in water extracts is 1:1,5 and 1:3 when extracted with ethanol or acetone. The counter-current extraction is a suitable method for acquiring pinosylvin from pine wood.
Secondary keywords: wood;Scots pine;knots;extraction;extracts;pinosylvin;HPLC;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za lesarstvo
Pages: XII, 66 f., [22] f. pril.
ID: 12238201