Prekmurščina je v slovenskem prostoru eno najprepoznavnejših narečij in je bila v 17. stoletju in vse do začetka 20. stoletja tudi knjižni jezik s prepoznavno protestantsko in tudi katoliško knjižno tradicijo. V drugi polovici 20. stoletja, še posebej pa po letu 1991 in slovenski osamosvojitvi, so slovenska narečja postala prepoznavna tudi v javnosti, prekmurski jezik pa se je začel uporabljati v različnih leposlovnih delih, popularni glasbi in filmu. Zaradi (občutka?) izginevanja prekmurskega narečja se je v zadnjem času sprožila pobuda po predstavitvi prekmurskega jezika in kulture v slovenskih šolah, kar se v okviru interesnih dejavnosti uresničuje v šolskem letu 2018/19 na šestih pomurskih osnovnih šolah. Prepričani smo, da se s tem izboljšuje tako jezikovna kot kulturna kompetentnost učencev.
slovenščina;didaktika;knjižni jezik;jezikovna norma;prekmurščina;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2019 |
Typology: |
1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution |
Organization: |
UL FF - Faculty of Arts |
UDC: |
811.163.6(497.411):373.3 |
Views: |
462 |
Downloads: |
65 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
In the Slovene language space, the Prekmurje dialect is one of the most distinctive and from the 17th to the early 20th century it was also a literary language, with recognised Protestant and Catholic traditions. In the second half of the 20th century and especially after 1991 and Slovene independence, Slovene dialects gained even more public recognition, while the language spoken in Prekmurje began to be used in various literary works, films and popular music. In recent times, because of the feeling that Prekmurje dialect is disappearing, an initiative had been launched for the presentation of Prekmurje language and culture in Slovene schools, which in the 2018/2019 school year happened at six primary schools in the area. We are convinced that this will increase both the linguistic and cultural competence of the pupils. |
Secondary keywords: |
Slovenian;didactics;standard language;linguistic norm;Prekmurje language; |
Pages: |
Str. 104-111 |
DOI: |
10.4312/SSJLK.55.104-111 |
ID: |
12352509 |