
V prispevku je predstavljena ena od metod za obravnavanje literarne pripovedi pri pouku slovenščine kot tujega jezika. Ponuja splošni okvir za pripravo učnega načrta na nadaljevalni in izpopolnjevalni stopnji. Delo z besedilom je razdeljeno na tri sklope. V prvem so poudarjeni izkušnje in zanimanja študentov, v drugem je v ospredju fikcijski svet kot avtonomna celota, tretji pa je posvečen analizi besedila glede na izbrano pripovedno prvino, ki je hkrati kulturno pomenljiva. V teoretičnem delu se prispevek opira na dva, zdaj že klasična, teoretična preobrata: komunikacijsko teorijo pri učenju tujih jezikov in recepcijsko estetiko. V članku je uporabljena Ingardnova teza o shematičnosti in nedoločenosti literarnega dela. Primarni cilj predlaganega didaktičnega vzorca ni razvijanje jezikovnega znanja, temveč priprava študentov na dialog z besedilom, v ospredju sta torej kulturni in osebnostnorazvojni vidik.


slovenščina;slovenščina kot drugi jezik;pouk slovenščine kot drugega jezika;delo z besedilom;komunikacijska teorija;recepcijska estetika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
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Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 811.163.6'243
COBISS: 70303586 Link will open in a new window
Views: 310
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The article presents one of the possible methods of incorporating literary prose into teaching the Slovene language. It proposes a general framework for preparing lecture plans at the advanced and proficiency levels. Work with texts is divided into three parts. The first emphasises students' experiences and interests, the second focuses on the fictional world as an autonomous whole, and the third is dedicated to text analysis based on a chosen culturally significant storytelling element. The article starts from two classic theoretical turning points: communication theory as used in learning foreign languages, and reception theory. The article uses Ingarden's thesis of the schematic and undefined nature of a literary work. The major goal of the proposed didactic framework is not to develop linguistic knowledge, but to prepare the students for a dialogue with the text. For this reason, the work focuses on the perspective of culture and self-development.
Secondary keywords: Slovene language;Slovene language as second language;teaching Slovene as a second language;work with text;communication theory;reception theory;
Pages: Str. 218-224
DOI: 10.4312/SSJLK.55.218-224
ID: 12352526