medialni vidiki
Roman Luize Pesjak zaradi nekonvencionalne odločitve za dnevniško obliko v slovenski književnosti lahko zavzame čisto posebno mesto. Dnevniški roman temelji na dnevniku kot eni od oblik rokopisne kulture in načinov zasebne komunikacije, ki se prek fingiranega prvoosebnega pripovedovalca in skozi objavo lahko osvobodi praktičnouporabnega in rokopisnega konteksta, se literarizira in postane podlaga za nastanek literarnega žanra dnevniškega romana. V prispevku nas zanimajo doslej spregledani medialni vidiki romana, tj. kako komunikacijska oblika dnevnika, v katerem se umetniško delo izraža in posreduje, vpliva na vsebinsko-pomensko in izrazno-strukturno raven dela.
slovenska književnost;slovenske pisateljice;dnevniški roman;žanrska inovacija;medialnost;rokopisna kultura;kultura tiska;Pesjak;Luiza;1828-1898;"Beatin dnevnik";
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph |
Organization: |
UL FF - Faculty of Arts |
UDC: |
821.163.6-31.09Pesjak L. |
Views: |
361 |
Downloads: |
104 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
The novel by Luiza Pesjak - due to the unconventional decision to present it in the form of a diary - occupies a special place in Slovene literature. The diary novel is based on the diary as a form of manuscript and personal communication, through which, by means of a fictional first-person narrator and through publication, the narrator can free him/herself from the practical and manuscript context and thus literalise her/himself, creating the foundation for the origin of the literary genre of diary novel. The article considers the so far overlooked mediality of the novel, i.e. how the communicational form of the diary, through which the artistic work expresses and mediates itself, influences the content and concept, as well as the formal-structural level of the work. |
Secondary keywords: |
Slovene literature;Slovene female writers;diary novel;genre innovation;mediality;manuscript culture;print culture; |
Pages: |
Str. 211-219 |
DOI: |
10.4312/Obdobja.37.211-219 |
ID: |
12383596 |