magistrsko delo
Sergeja Gabor (Author), Marta Licardo (Mentor)


Metoda NTC in metoda dialoškega branja omogočata otrokom s posebnimi potrebami stimulativno učenje preko igre. Otroci s posebnimi potrebami počasneje usvajajo znanje in imajo težave na področju komunikacije, pozornosti, izražanja, povezovanja in mišljenja. Metodi spodbujata aktivno vključevanje otrok, spodbujata mišljenje, povezovanje, sklepanje in omogočata širjenje besednega zaklada ter povečujeta pozornost. V magistrskem delu smo v empiričnem delu analizirali razlike pri napredku otrok pred in po uporabi metode NTC in metode dialoškega branja za sklope: pozornost in koncentracija, komunikacija, verbalni spomin, govorno jezikovno razumevanje in izražanje, grafično-vizualno zaznavanje ter časovna in prostorska orientacija. Raziskavo smo izvedli na Centru za sluh in govor v Mariboru v skupini predšolskih otrok z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami in drugimi motnjami (N = 6). Rezultati kažejo, da se je v kratkem časovnem obdobju pri otrocih statistično pomembno izboljšala pozornost in koncentracija (na 4 od 7 postavk), delno se je izboljšal verbalni spomin (na 1 od 2 postavk), izboljšalo se je govorno jezikovno razumevanje in izražanje (na 3 od 4 postavk), manjši napredek je tudi v prostorsko-časovni orientaciji, grafično-vizualnem zaznavanju in komunikaciji. Magistrsko delo je pomembno, saj povezuje tematiko o učenju z uporabo sodobnih metod (NTC in metodo dialoškega branja) pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami. Z rezultati dokazujemo, da je uporaba sodobnih metod zelo pomembna za napredek otrok.


magistrska dela;otroci s posebnimi potrebami;NTC metoda;dialoško branje;projektno učenje;didaktika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Gabor]
UDC: 373.2:376(043.2)
COBISS: 52541699 Link will open in a new window
Views: 997
Downloads: 121
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Encouraging learning with NTC and dialogue reading as learning methods in a personalized education programme for children with special needs
Secondary abstract: NTC method and dialog reading are methods which provide special needs children with the stimulus needed to learn through games. These children are often characterized as needing more time to learn and are known to experience difficulties when they communicate with others, have problems with attention, expressing themselves, making connections and developing their thinking skills. Both methods not only promote active inclusion of children, foster imagination, encourage integration and making conclusions, but also stimulate the expansion of one's vocabulary and increase their concentration. The main objective of the empirical part was to analyze the differences in the children's progress before and after the implementation of the two methods in question - NTC method and dialog reading. The following areas were monitored during the study: attention and concentration, communication, verbal memory, spoken communication, graphical visual perception, and temporal and spatial orientation. The study was conducted at the Center for Hearing and Speech in Maribor in a group of preschool children with speech-language disorders and other disorders (N = 6). The results show that in a short timespan these children underwent a statistically significant advance in the areas of attention and concentration (4 out of 7 variables), there was also a partial improvement in their verbal memory (1 out of 2 variables), an improvement in language comprehension and speech formation (3 out of 4 variables), and a small progress in the areas of spatial and temporal orientation, graphical visual perception, and communication. The paper presents a significant contribution in the working with special needs children domain by using contemporary methods for learning such as NTC method and dialog reading; its research work proves the importance of such methods for the children's progress.
Secondary keywords: master theses;special needs children;NTC method;dialogic reading;project learning didactics;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: XII, 102 f.
ID: 12398859