magistrsko delo
Tea Blagus (Author), Darija Skubic (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo z naslovom Prepričanja staršev in strokovnih delavcev vrtca o funkcionalni pismenosti in uporabi IKT v vrtcu je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. Teoretični del temelji na študiji domače in tuje znanstvene ter strokovne literature s področja funkcionalne pismenosti in informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (v nadaljevanju IKT). Na podlagi prebrane literature sem se odločila preveriti prepričanja staršev in strokovnih delavcev vrtca o funkcionalni pismenosti in uporabi IKT v vrtcu. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela sem predstavila cilje raziskave in raziskovalna vprašanja, s katerimi sem poskušala ugotoviti, kakšen pomen pripisujejo starši in strokovni delavci vrtca funkcionalni pismenosti ter o uporabi IKT v vrtcu, kako se strokovni delavci soočajo s tehnološkimi novostmi in na kakšen način se učijo nove uporabe IKT v vrtcu, katere vrste IKT uporabljajo za delo v skupinah in ali se jim zdi, da bodo v prihodnje pripomočki IKT prevladali pri izbiri vzgojnega materiala, kakšna so opažanja strokovnih delavcev glede nadomeščanja slikovnega materiala (npr. slikanic) z uporabo IKT in v kolikšni meri znajo starši in strokovni delavci vrtca otroku prikazati varno in pravilno uporabo pametnega telefona, tabličnega, namiznega računalnika. Nato sem predstavila analizo intervjujev in interpretacijo. Magistrsko delo sem sklenila s sklepnimi ugotovitvami, v katerih sem poudarila rezultate raziskave ter predlagala smernice za prispevek stroki.


vidiki pismenosti;vrste pismenosti;pismenost vzgojiteljev;strokovni delavci v vrtcih;prepričanja staršev;informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija;vrtci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Blagus]
UDC: 37.014.22-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 46604547 Link will open in a new window
Views: 209
Downloads: 25
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Opinions of parents and preschool professionals on functional literacy and the use of ICT in kindergarten
Secondary abstract: This thesis, titled Opinions of Parents and Preschool Professionals on Functional Literacy and the Use of ICT in Kindergarten, is divided into two parts: the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part is based on the study of domestic and foreign scientific and professional literature from the fields of functional literacy and information and communications technology (ICT). On the basis of the studied literature, I decided to find out the beliefs that parents and preschool teachers hold regarding the functional literacy and the use of ICT in preschool education. In the empirical part of the thesis, I present the research goals and research questions, through which I tried to determine the following: how much importance parents and preschool teachers place on functional literacy and the usage of ICT in preschool education, how preschool teachers are coping with technological innovations and in which way they are learning to use new forms of ICT, which forms of ICT are being used for groupwork and whether preschool teachers believe that ICT tools will prevail in the future as the main choice of educational materials, how preschool teachers view the replacement of visual materials (e.g. picture books) with the use of ICT and to which degree parents and preschool teachers are able to demonstrate to the child a safe and correct way of using a smartphone, a tablet, a desktop computer. I then present the analysis of the interviews and an interpretation. In the conclusion of the thesis, final findings are presented, which put emphasis on the results of the research and provide potential guidelines for the contribution to the field.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;functional literacy;predšolski otrok;funkcionalna pismenost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 69 str.
ID: 12588707