magistrsko delo magistrskega študijskega programa II. stopnje Strojništvo
Anže Horžen (Author), Rok Vrabič (Mentor)


Pri periodičnih pregledih jedrskih elektrarn je pogosto uporabljena metoda vizualnega pregleda, pri kateri je stopnja degradacije komponent ocenjena na podlagi slik ali videoposnetkov. Na mestih pregleda, kjer zaradi premočnega sevanja dostop ni mogoč, je potrebno uporabiti namenske pripomočke ali daljinsko vodene sisteme. Cilj naloge je razviti in izdelati daljinsko vodenega mobilnega robota za izvajanje vizualnih pregledov reaktorske glave in ga preizkusiti na namenski maketi. Za prototipiranje in izdelavo robota je bila uporabljena tehnologija 3D tiskanja, kjer smo na podlagi mehanskih, kemičnih in temperaturnih lastnosti izbrali najustreznejši material za okolje, v katerembo robot opravljal delo. Za opravljanje inšpekcije je bilo potrebno izbrati dimenzijsko ustrezno kamero. Poleg tega je bilo potrebno izbrati primerne elektronske komponente: mikrokrmilnik in gonilnike za vodenje mobilnega robota ter mikroračunalnik za komuniciranje z operaterjem. Razviti je bilo potrebno vse programske vmesnike za vodenje robota ter za prenos in zajem slike. Izdelana je bila aplikacija, ki povezuje celotno delovanje sistema, da bo operater lažje uporabljal robota. Mobilni robot je bil testiran na namenski maketi in ob izpostavitvi ionizirajočemu sevanju. Tako smo preizkusili ustreznost slike, ki jo zajema kamera na robotu in ki služi kot dokazovanje stanja pregledanih komponent med inšpekcijo.


magistrske naloge;mobilni robot;kamera;inšpekcija;radioaktivno sevanje;3D tiskanje;FDM;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Horžen]
UDC: 004.896:681.5(043.2)
COBISS: 57108483 Link will open in a new window
Views: 347
Downloads: 97
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development of a mobile robot for visual inspection of a nuclear reactor head
Secondary abstract: Periodic inspections of nuclear power plants often use the visual inspection method, in which the degree of decomposition of a component is estimated on the basis of images or videos. At inspection points where access is not possible due to excessive radiation a use of dedicated tools or remote control systems are required. The aim of the task is to develop and manufacture remotely controlled mobile robot for performing visual inspections of the reactor head and to test it on the polygon. 3D printing technology was used for prototyping and manufacturing robot, where we selected the most suitable material for the enviroment where the robot will be performing tasks on the basis of mechanical, chemical and temperature properties. To carry out the inspections, it was necessary to select an appropriate camera. Furthermore the primary electronic components had to be selected: a microcontroller and drivers to control the mobile robot, and a microcomputer to communicate with the operator. All software interfaces for robot control, image transfer and capture had been developed. An application that connects the entire operation of the system to make it easier for the operator to use the robot was created. The mobile robot was tested on the polygon and was exposed to ionizing radiation. Thus, we tested the adequacy of the images captured by the camera on the robot.
Secondary keywords: master thesis;mobile robot;camera;inspection;radioactive;3D printing;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XXIV, 77 str.
ID: 12608553
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