doktorska disertacija
Nataša Šprah Horvat (Author), Mitja Košir (Mentor), Ilka Čerpes (Thesis defence commission member), Metka Sitar (Thesis defence commission member), Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek (Thesis defence commission member)


Višanje gostote večstanovanjskih zazidav pomeni povečanje medsebojnega senčenja stavb in s tem omejitev uporabe najbolj univerzalno dostopnega vira energije % sonca. Zmanjšanje osončenosti stavb niža potencial aktivnega in pasivnega izkoriščanja sončne energije ter naravnega osvetljevanja notranjosti prostorov. Doktorska disertacija obsega raziskavo odnosa med določenimi urbanističnimi kazalci, tj. faktorjem izrabe (FI) in zazidanosti (FZ) zemljišča, tipom, lego in orientacijo stavb ter njihovo osončenostjo. Svetlobno in energijsko komponento osončenosti fasadnega ovoja stavb smo raziskali s pomočjo modelov, ustvarjenih na podlagi značilnosti izbranih sodobnih večstanovanjskih zazidav odprtega vzorca zidave v Sloveniji. Z računalniškimi simulacijami pridobljene količine sončnega sevanja in osvetljenosti na fasadah smo medsebojno primerjali in določili vpliv izbranih urbanističnih kazalcev na osončenost fasadnega ovoja stavb. Analiza je pokazala na velik vpliv gostote stanovanjske zazidave, tako FZ kot FI. Tudi vpliv tipologije stavb na obe komponenti osončenosti fasadnega ovoja je velik, medtem ko je vpliv orientacije in lege stavb manjši oz. zmeren. Izračunali smo minimalno vrednost sončnega sevanja v času ogrevalne sezone, pri kateri solarni dobitki presegajo toplotne izgube skozi zasteklitev. Primerjava te vrednosti s simulacijsko pridobljenimi povprečnimi vrednostmi sončnega sevanja na fasadah osrednjih stavb modelov v obdobju ogrevalne sezone je pokazala, da so slednje višje pri vseh preverjenih scenarijih. Pri določitvi vpliva posamičnih urbanističnih kazalcev se je za bolj odločujočo izkazala svetlobna komponenta osončenosti. Minimalne vrednosti osvetljenosti fasade smo določili s pomočjo zahtev standarda SIST EN 17037. Simulirane povprečne vrednosti vertikalnega faktorja dnevne svetlobe (VDpov) smo primerjali z minimalnimi vrednostmi VDpov fasade, ki še omogočajo zadostno osvetljenost najgloblje, najnižje, v najnižje nadstropje stavbe umeščene enostransko osvetljene sobe, ki jo dopušča slovenska zakonodaja. Maksimalne gostote posamičnih tipologij, ki so v nekaterih primerih nižje kot tiste v izbranih večstanovanjskih zazidavah, smo povzeli v obliki diagramov kot priporočil za optimizacijo zasnove večstanovanjskih zazidav z odprtim vzorcem zidave v zgodnjih fazah načrtovanja.


Grajeno okolje;gradbeništvo;disertacije;trajnostno urbanistično načrtovanje;večstanovanjska zazidava;sončni potencial;energijska učinkovitost;osvetljevanje z dnevno svetlobo;vertikalni faktor dnevne svetlobe;SIST EN 17037;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [N. Šprah]
UDC: 551.521.16:728.2:620.9(043.3)
COBISS: 61813507 Link will open in a new window
Views: 534
Downloads: 113
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Insolation of the building envelope as a criterion of energy-efficient housing development
Secondary abstract: Increasing the density of multifamily housing developments intensifies mutual shading of buildings, and thus limits the use of the most universally available source of energy % the sun. Reduced building insolation decreases the potential for active and passive use of solar energy and daylighting. This doctoral dissertation includes a study of the relationship between certain urban indicators % i.e. site coverage and floor area ratio (FAR), building typology, layout and orientation % and the insolation of buildings in multifamily housing developments. Solar irradiation and illumination on building facades were investigated with models, on the basis of the characteristics of contemporary multifamily housing developments with point and linear building typologies in Slovenia. The amounts of solar irradiation and illumination on the facades obtained with computer simulations were compared, and the influence of individual urban indicators on the insolation of the building facade was determined. In accordance with previous research, the analysis showed a significant influence of the density of residential developments, both site coverage and FAR. The influence of the typology of buildings on the irradiation and illumination on the facade is substantial, while the influence of the orientation and layout of the developments is moderate. We established the irradiation threshold, required to equate the energy balance between solar gains and heat losses through the glazed opening during the heating season. A comparison with the simulation-derived average values of solar irradiation on the facades of the central buildings of the models during the heating season showed that these values are higher in all examined scenarios. Daylighting proved to be the deciding factor for determining the maximum density of individual typologies and layouts of residential developments. The minimum values for daylighting of the facades were determined using the requirements of the SIST EN 17037 standard. The simulated average vertical daylight factor values (VDavg) were compared with the minimum VDavg values of the facade that enable sufficient daylighting of the deepest, lowest, one-sidedly daylit occupied spaces, designed according to the Slovenian legislation, and placed in the lowest level of the buildings. The calculated maximum densities of individual typologies, which are in some cases lower than those of the analyzed real-life multifamily housing developments, were summarized in the form of diagrams to serve as recommendations for designing sufficiently daylit multifamily housing developments with point and linear building typologies in the early stages of planning.
Secondary keywords: Built Environment;civil engineering;doctoral thesis;sustainable urban planning;residential developments;solar potential;energy efficiency;daylighting;vertical daylight factor;SIST EN 17037;Fasade;Disertacije;Osončenost;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXXII, 124 str., 15 pril.
ID: 12679695