doktorska disertacija
Grega Zrim (Avtor), Aleš Krainer (Mentor), Igor Planinc (Član komisije za zagovor), Boris Orel (Član komisije za zagovor), Tomaž Novljan (Član komisije za zagovor), Roman Kunič (Komentor)


Predstavljeno delo obsega raziskavo optičnih in toplotnih lastnosti obstoječega (toplotno neizoliranega) in predloga novega (toplotno izoliranega) konstrukcijskega sklopa dvojnega membranskega ovoja zračno podprtih konstrukcij z uvedeno aerogelno izolacijsko odejo Spaceloft%. Prikazani so učinki na delovanje vzorčnega primera stavbe z vidika njene dnevne osvetljenosti, rabe energije za ogrevanje in hlajenje ter toplotnega ugodja uporabnikov. Za raziskavo je bila izbrana Športna dvorana na Brezovici pri Ljubljani (ŠDB), približno devet kilometrov jugozahodno od središča mesta Ljubljana. Dvojni membranski ovoj obstoječe stavbe ni dodatno toplotno izoliran, sestavljata ga poliestrski tkanini (zunanja in notranja), prevlečeni s polivinilkloridno prevleko (PES(1)2009 in PES(2)2009). Zaradi pričakovane relativno nizke prosojnosti aerogelne izolacijske odeje Spaceloft% je bila predlagana sestava novega konstrukcijskega sklopa z uporabo za svetlobo visokoprepustne etilen tetrafluoroetilenske (ETFE) folije kot primarne membranske nosilne konstrukcijske, aerogelne odeje (aerogel) kot toplotne izolacije in polietilenske tkanine (PEfabric), ki je bila namenjena za zaščito toplotne izolacije. S pomočjo laboratorijskih in terenskih meritev spektrov so bile določene: prvič, svetlobne (prepustnost in odbojnost v vidnem spektru), drugič, sončne (prepustnost, odbojnost na beli in črni podlagi, absorptivnost v ultravijoličnem, vidnem in bližnjem infrardečem spektru) in tretjič, toplotne lastnosti (v daljnem infrardečem spektru, valovna dolžina med 2,5 %m in 16 %m) materialov, posameznih delov in celovitih različic konstrukcijskega sklopa (1. obstoječa iz dveh poliestrskih tkanin, prevlečenih s polivinilkloridno prevleko; 2. različica iz dveh enakih etilen tetrafluoroetilenskih folij; 3. toplotno izolirana različica). Terensko eksperimentalno delo je vključevalo meritve temperature in hitrosti zraka v zračnem kanalu dvojnega membranskega ovoja ŠDB, meritev okoljskih parametrov (temperature zraka v stavbi in zunaj nje) in drugih količin potrebnih za opis toplotnega odziva, ter meritve dnevne osvetljenosti. Rezultati terenskih meritev hitrosti in temperature zraka v zračnem kanalu med membranama so bili skupaj z optičnimi lastnostmi uporabljeni za izračun toplotnega upora vseh treh obravnavanih različic dvojnega membranskega ovoja v odvisnosti od naklona konstrukcije. Izveden je bil tudi izračun totalne prepustnosti za sončno energijo. Na podlagi eksperimentalnih meritev dnevne osvetljenosti ŠDB je bila narejena primerjava z računalniškim programom DAYSIM izračunanih in simuliranih vrednosti količnika dnevne svetlobe, ki je potrdila primernost priprave geometrijskega modela stavbe in vhodnih podatkov. Posledično je bil z istim računalniškim programom opravljen izračun za napoved dnevne osvetljenosti stavbe z novim predlaganim ovojem s toplotno izolacijo, ki je pokazal boljšo dnevno osvetljenost igrišča, tudi na oblačni dan. Izračun rabe energije za lokalno klimo s programom EnergyPlus je pokazal, da uporaba prosojne toplotne izolacije Spaceloft% ne vpliva ugodno le na dnevno osvetljenost izbrane stavbe, temveč tudi na podaljšanje obdobja uporabe, ko stavba lahko deluje v prostem teku in je pri tem celo za bivanje udobnejša, kar posledično zmanjša potrebo po energiji za ogrevanje, tudi na račun povečanih sončnih dobitkov. Nasprotno, izbrani ukrep na količino energije, potrebne za hlajenje, ne vpliva ugodno in jo močno poveča. To v realnosti nima posebnega pomena, saj se vzorčna stavba v poletnem času, tj. v času eventualne potrebe po ohlajevanju, ne uporablja, ker lokalno podnebje dopušča letne športne aktivnosti na odprtem prostoru. Analiza toplotnega ugodja pokaže, da tedaj, ko je stopnja aktivnosti dovolj nizka (na primer igranje tenisa) med ogrevalno sezono, uvedba aerogelne izolacijske odeje Spaceloft% ugodno vpliva na toplotno in tudi na svetlobno ugodje uporabnikov.

Ključne besede

Grajeno okolje;gradbeništvo;disertacije;zračno podprte stavbe;tekstilije in folije;optične lastnosti;dnevno osvetljevanje;koeficient dnevne svetlobe;količnik dnevne svetlobe;aerogel;eksperimentalno terensko delo;izračuni s programom DAYSIM;izračuni s programom EnergyPlus;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [G. Zrim]
UDK: 544.774.2:697:699.86:725.1(043.3)
COBISS: 8708705 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1216
Št. prenosov: 462
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Implementation of aerogel insulation blanket Spaceloft into envelope of air-supported structures
Sekundarni povzetek: The presented work encompasses the research of optical and thermal properties of an air-supported double membrane envelope structure with aerogel thermal insulation blanket Spaceloft% applied and the research of the influence of the aerogel blanket implementation on daylighting, energy use for heating and cooling and thermal comfort of occupants for the selected case study of the air-supported dome %Športna dvorana Brezovica%. The double membrane envelope of the selected air-supported structure is composed of two polyester fabrics coated with polyvinyl chloride resin. Due to the expected relatively low transmittance of aerogel blanket Spaceloft% a new proposal of the considered constructional complex was prepared, including highly transparent ethylene tetrafluoroethylene foil and polyethylene fabric. With the help of laboratory and field spectrometry the luminous (transmittance and reflectance), solar (transmittance, reflectance on white and black background and absorptance) as well as the thermal properties such as emissivity of individual materials, parts or whole constructional complex variations (existing made of two polyvinyl chloride coated polyester fabrics, the new made of two ethylene tetrafluoroethylene foils and its insulated version), were determined. The field experimental work included also the measurements of air temperature and velocity inside the channel of the double membrane envelope of the studied building, measurements of environmental parameters (temperature of air inside and outside the building and others) for the description of its thermal response and daylighting measurements. On the basis of these measurements, in combination with the optical properties thermal resistance of the three constructional complex versions as well as the total solar energy transmittance were determined. The results of experimental illuminance measurements of the %Športna dvorana Brezovica% were compared to those of the DAYSIM daylighting calculation, which confirmed that the geometry model and the input data about the optical properties were prepared correctly. Consequently, the prediction of indoor playground illuminance was made possible and a DAYSIM calculation of daylight factor was made for the case of a building with its envelope insulated by the aerogel blanket Spaceloft%. Furthermore, the calculation of heating and cooling energy use for local climate was made using EnergyPlus computer programme. The calculations showed that the predicted use of translucent thermal insulation Spaceloft% not only increases the possibility of the studied building daylighting, but also prolongs the free running mode period and decreases energy use for heating, also due to the increased solar gain utilisation. On the other hand, the use of aerogel blanket insulated constructional complex strongly increases the energy use for cooling. The analysis of thThe presented work encompasses the research of optical and thermal properties of an air-supported double membrane envelope structure with aerogel thermal insulation blanket Spaceloft% applied and the research of the influence of the aerogel blanket implementation on daylighting, energy use for heating and cooling and thermal comfort of occupants for the selected case study of the air-supported dome %Športna dvorana Brezovica%. The double membrane envelope of the selected air-supported structure is composed of two polyester fabrics coated with polyvinyl chloride resin. Due to the expected relatively low transmittance of aerogel blanket Spaceloft% a new proposal of the considered constructional complex was prepared, including highly transparent ethylene tetrafluoroethylene foil and polyethylene fabric. With the help of laboratory and field spectrometry the luminous (transmittance and reflectance), solar (transmittance, reflectance on white and black background and absorptance) as well as the thermal properties such as emissivity of individual materials, parts or whole constructional complex variations (existing made of two polyvinyl chloride coated polyester fabrics, the new made of two ethylene tetrafluoroethylene foils and its insulated version), were determined. The field experimental work included also the measurements of air temperature and velocity inside the channel of the double membrane envelope of the studied building, measurements of environmental parameters (temperature of air inside and outside the building and others) for the description of its thermal response and daylighting measurements. On the basis of these measurements, in combination with the optical properties thermal resistance of the three constructional complex versions as well as the total solar energy transmittance were determined. The results of experimental illuminance measurements of the %Športna dvorana Brezovica% were compared to those of the DAYSIM daylighting calculation, which confirmed that the geometry model and the input data about the optical properties were prepared correctly. Consequently, the prediction of indoor playground illuminance was made possible and a DAYSIM calculation of daylight factor was made for the case of a building with its envelope insulated by the aerogel blanket Spaceloft%. Furthermore, the calculation of heating and cooling energy use for local climate was made using EnergyPlus computer programme. The calculations showed that the predicted use of translucent thermal insulation Spaceloft% not only increases the possibility of the studied building daylighting, but also prolongs the free running mode period and decreases energy use for heating, also due to the increased solar gain utilisation. On the other hand, the use of aerogel blanket insulated constructional complex strongly increases the energy use for cooling. The analysis of the occupants% thermal comfort reveals that in case of low enough activity rate (i.e. tennis) during the heating season, the use of constructional complex with applied aerogel blanket Spaceloft% lowers the percentage of dissatisfied people.e occupants% thermal comfort reveals that in case of low enough activity rate (i.e. tennis) during the heating season, the use of constructional complex with applied aerogel blanket Spaceloft% lowers the percentage of dissatisfied people.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Built Environment;civil engineering;doctoral thesis;air-supported structures;architectural fabrics and foils;optical properties;daylighting;daylight coefficient;daylight factor;aerogel insulated membrane;experimental fieldwork;DAYSIM calculations;EnergyPlus energy use calculations;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Doktorsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: XLVIII, 152 str., 16 pril.
ID: 11042343