magistrsko delo
Nejc Lazar (Author), Mihaela Koletnik (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je predstavljena raziskava besedja iz pomenskega polja sadovnjak in vrt, zbranega v Mestnem Vrhu. Čeprav Mestni Vrh geografsko spada v štajersko pokrajino, ljudje na tem območju govorijo prleško narečje. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljene geografske in zgodovinske značilnosti Mestnega Vrha, nato je govor Mestnega Vrha narečno umeščen. V osrednjem delu je predstavljeno besedje v tematskih slovarčkih za sadovnjak in vrt, ki je bilo zbrano s pomočjo informatorjev na območju Mestnega Vrha. Narečno gradivo, zbrano s pomočjo Vprašalnic za zbiranje narečnega gradiva Francke Benedikt, je bilo s posnetkov prepisano, fonetično zapisano in po abecednem redu umeščeno v posamezni slovarček. Analizirali smo 155 različnih leksemov in ugotovili, da je večina zbranega besedja slovanskega izvora, med prevzetimi pa prevladujejo germanizmi.


magistrska dela;dialektologija;prleška narečna skupina;Mestni vrh;tematski slovar;sadovnjak;vrt;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Lazar]
UDC: 811.163.6'28(043.2)
COBISS: 60946947 Link will open in a new window
Views: 454
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Lexis from the semantic field of orchard and garden in the local speech of Mestni Vrh
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis presents the outcome of a research of the lexis from the thematic field of orchard and garden, collected in Mestni Vrh. Despite the fact that Mestni Vrh geographically belongs to the Styrian region, the inhabitants of this area speak in the dialect of Prlekija. The theoretical part of the thesis presents the geographical and historical characteristics of Mestni Vrh. The dialect of Mestni Vrh is later dialectally situated. The central part of the thesis presents the lexis in thematic dictionaries for orchard and garden, which were collected with the help of informants from the Mestni Vrh area. The dialect material was gathered based on a Dialect Material Collection Questionnaires by Francka Benedikt and transcribed from the recordings, phonetically registered and placed alphabetically in an individual dictionary. 155 different lexemes were analysed, and we concluded that most of the collected lexis is of Slavic origin with Germanisms predominating among the borrowed ones.
Secondary keywords: master theses;dialectology;Prlekija dialect group;Mestni vrh;thematic dictionary;orchard;garden;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: VII f., 63 str.
ID: 12719673