Monika Horvat (Author), Jernej Iskra (Author), Matjaž Pavlič (Author), Jure Žigon (Author), Maks Merela (Author)


Cilj raziskave je bil pripraviti različne tipe premazov na osnovi naravnih barvil, pridobljenih iz invazivnih tujerodnih rastlin ter iz ostankov proizvodnje papirja. Kot vir barvil smo uporabili ekstrakte iz octovca, japonskega dresnika, žlezave nedotike ter kanadske in orjaške zlate rozge. Podlaga za premaze sta bila les velikega pajesena in les navadnega divjega kostanja. Premaze smo opazovali vizualno, hidrofobnost premazanih površin pa ugotavljali z metodo merjenja stičnih kotov kapljic vode. Poleg prozornih in rjavo obarvanih premazov smo dosegli tudi intenzivna obarvanja, od rdeče, rumene, zelene, rjave do vijolične barve. S kombinacijo različnih komponent so se spreminjale hidrofobne lastnosti premazanih površin. Uspelo nam je pridobiti premaz z izrazito hidrofobnostjo, in sicer iz kombinacije ekstrakta iz cvetov orjaške zlate rozge in 3-(trietoksisilil)propil izocianata. V okviru raziskave je bil razvit postopek za pripravo barvnih ter transparentnih hidrofobnih premazov. S prisotnimi različnimi silanskimi molekulami in z aplikacijo premazov na površine lesov smo tako spremenili njihov izgled in izboljšali njihovo hidrofobnost.


invazivne tujerodne rastline;naravna barvila;japonski dresnik;octovec;žlezava nedotika;kanadska zlata rozga;orjaška zlata rozga;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
UDC: 630*829.1:667.74:581.96
COBISS: 44801027 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0024-1067
Parent publication: Les
Views: 1236
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Wood dyes from invasive alien plants
Secondary abstract: The aim of the study was to produce different types of coatings based on natural dyes obtained from invasive alien plant species and residues after paper production. As a source of dye we used extracts of Rhus typhina, Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam and Canadian and giant goldenrod. The substrates for the application of the coating were the wood of the tree of heaven and the wood of the horse chestnut. The coatings were observed visually and the hydrophobicity of the coated surfaces was determined by the method of water droplets contact angle measurements. In addition to the transparent and brown coloured coatings, we also achieved an intense red, yellow, green, brown to violet colouring. With a combination of different components, the hydrophobic properties of the coated surfaces varied. By combining an extract of giant goldenrod flowers and 3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl isocyanate, we succeeded in producing a coating with pronounced hydrophobicity. In this research, a process for the production of coloured and transparent hydrophobic coatings was developed. Through the presence of various silane-containing molecules and the application of the coating to wooden surfaces, we changed their appearance and improved their hydrophobicity.
Secondary keywords: invasive alien plants;natural dyes;Japanese knotweed;staghorn sumac;Himalayan balsam;Canadian goldenrod;giant goldenrod;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 37-48
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ69
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2020
DOI: 10.26614/les-wood.2020.v69n02a06
ID: 12835095