magistrsko delo


Predšolska vzgoja je, tako kot vsa ostala področja našega življenja, v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih doživela ogromno sprememb, ki so posledica vse hitrejšega in intenzivnejšega spreminjanja in napredka družbe. Najpomembnejši premik, ki se je poleg povečanega zanimanja za ugotavljanje in zagotavljanje kakovosti predšolske vzgoje zgodil na tem področju, je zagotovo vse večja vključenost staršev in širše lokalne skupnosti v proces in izvedbo programov. Ob kombinaciji porasta vpliva družbenih omrežij in forumov, veliki vlogi medijev in vse večjemu odpiranju vrtcev navzven se pojavlja tudi vse večje zanimanje za delo vzgojiteljev oz. vrtca s strani staršev in druge laične javnosti. Z vidika partnerstva med vrtcem in starši ter spodbujanja participacije staršev je aktivnejša vloga staršev dobrodošla in zaželena, če pa se diskusija med starši odvija na spletu namesto v dialogu z vzgojiteljem in vrtcem, pa lahko pomeni poseg v vzgojiteljevo delo in njegovo strokovno avtonomijo. V raziskavi sem želela ugotoviti, kakšno je mnenje medijev in laične javnosti o predšolski vzgoji in vzgojiteljih predšolskih otrok v Sloveniji ter v kolikšni meri na mnenje laične javnosti vplivajo informacije, posredovane s strani medijev, ter zapisi na družbenih omrežjih in forumih. Raziskavo sem izvedla s pomočjo analize spletno dostopnih člankov, zapisov na družbenih omrežjih in forumih ter s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov, na katere je odgovarjalo 90 anketirancev, od tega 30 oseb, ki imajo otroke vključene v vrtce, 30 oseb, ki nimajo otrok vključenih v vrtce, ter 30 vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok. Raziskava je pokazala, da je mnenje laične javnosti o kakovosti predšolske vzgoje in vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok visoko, kljub pretežno negativnim informacijam, ki se pojavljajo v medijih ter na družbenih omrežjih in forumih. Se pa kaže močan vpliv medijev na področjih ugleda poklica vzgojitelja ter spoštovanja in zaupanja do vzgojitelja s strani staršev. Raziskava je prispevek k zavedanju stroke o vplivu medijev, družbenih omrežij in forumov na mnenje laične javnosti o predšolski vzgoji in vzgojiteljih predšolskih otrok ter spodbuda za iskanje rešitev, ki bi pripomogle k dvigu ugleda tega poklica in izboljšanju podobe predšolske vzgoje v medijih.


kakovost vrtcev;vzgojitelj predšolskih otrok;mediji;družbena omrežja;forumi;ugled vzgojiteljskega poklica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Kosmač]
UDC: 373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 62128131 Link will open in a new window
Views: 299
Downloads: 30
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Preschool education through the eyes of the media and the lay public
Secondary abstract: Preschool education - like all other aspects of our lives - has undergone significant changes in the last few decades because of the fast and more intense change and progress of society. The most important shift that has taken place in the field, in addition to the increased eagerness to identify and ensure high quality of preschool education, is certainly the increasing involvement of parents and the wider local community in the process and implementation of programs. With the combination of the growing influence of social networks and forums, the great role of the public media and the tendency of the kindergartens to be more open to the public, there is also a growing interest in the work of preschool teachers by parents and other lay public. From the point of view of creating a partnership between kindergarten and the parents and encouraging parental participation, a more active role of parents is welcome and desirable, but if the discussion among parents takes place online instead of in dialogue with the preschool teacher and the kindergarten, it can interfere with the preschool teacher’s work and professional autonomy. In the research, I wanted to determine the opinion of the media and the lay public about preschool education and preschool teachers in Slovenia, as well as to what extent the opinion of the lay public is influenced by information provided by the media and posts on social networks and forums. I conducted the research through the analysis of online articles, posts on social networks and forums, and through questionnaires answered by 90 respondents, 30 of which are parents with children enrolled in kindergartens, 30 are people without children enrolled in kindergartens and 30 preschool teachers. The survey showed that the opinion of the lay public on the quality of preschool education and preschool teachers is high, despite the mostly negative information that appears in the media and on social networks and forums. However, there is a strong influence of the media in the area of reputation of the preschool teacher’s profession and respect and trust in him or her by parents. The research is a contribution to the awareness within the discipline about the influence of the media, social networks and forums on the opinion of the lay public about preschool education and preschool educators, and an incentive to find solutions that would raise the reputation of this profession and improve the image of preschool education in the media.
Secondary keywords: pre-school education;public opinion;predšolska vzgoja;javno mnenje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 86 str.
ID: 12867508