magistrsko delo
Sarah Horvat (Author), Marija Kavkler (Mentor), Suzana Pulec Lah (Co-mentor)


Matematične besedilne naloge (MBN) so verbalni opisi problema, ki zahtevajo enega ali več odgovorov, pridobljenih z matematičnimi operacijami vključujočih numeričnih podatkov. Za reševanje je treba razumeti opisane situacije, prepoznati pomembne informacije in razumeti povezave med njimi ter oblikovati in izvesti račun. Kljub usvojenim računskim operacijam se učencem pri reševanju MBN pogosto zatakne. Na različne ovire in težave pri reševanju še pogosteje naletijo učenci z motnjo pomanjkljive pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti (v nadaljevanju ADHD), saj se pri njih pojavljajo primanjkljaji na področjih izvršilnih funkcij in delovnega spomina, usmerjanja in vzdrževanja pozornosti, priklica aritmetičnih dejstev, prepoznavanja pomembnih in inhibiranja nepomembnih informacij, sledenja in načrtovanja računskih korakov, pravilnosti izračuna itd. Če prihaja do sopojavnosti znakov ADHD in učnih težav na področju matematike, se te težave še povečajo. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili ADHD, učne težave pri matematiki in MBN ter načine reševanja MBN. Pri tem smo se osredotočili tudi na vključene nepomembne lingvistične in numerične informacije v MBN, ki so še posebno moteče za učence z ADHD. Predstavili smo tudi znanja oziroma sposobnosti, potrebne za reševanje MBN, in kako primanjkljaji na teh področjih vplivajo na reševanje MBN ter uspešen model reševanja MBN Reši! (Solve it!), na katerem je temeljil naš empirični del raziskave. Osrednji cilj magistrskega dela je bil po začetni oceni sposobnosti reševanja MBN oblikovati, izvesti in nato še evalvirati metakognitivni trening reševanja MBN pri izbrani skupini učencev z znaki ADHD in učnimi težavami pri matematiki. Raziskava je bila izvedena kot študija primera, saj so bili v metakognitivni trening vključeni trije učenci 5. razreda. Od tega sta bila učenec in ena izmed učenk usmerjena v program s prilagojenim izvajanjem z dodatno strokovno pomočjo, druga učenka je bila v času treninga v procesu usmerjanja. Pred izvedbo treninga smo pri učencih izvedli Desetminutni preizkus za ugotavljanje aritmetičnih dejstev in postopkov, Preizkus računskih in numeričnih sposobnosti ter Preizkus uspešnosti reševanja MBN in parafraziranja. Zadnjega smo uporabili tudi po končnem metakognitivnem treningu reševanja MBN. Trening je potekal tri mesece in je obsegal 24 srečanj. Rezultati preizkusa po končanem treningu so pokazali pomembno napredovanje pri reševanju MBN, medtem ko pri parafraziranju MBN ni bilo zaznanega napredka. Učenci so v večini dosegali zastavljene cilje, napredek so zaznale tudi specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoginje vključenih učencev. Teoretične osnove in spoznanja empiričnega dela raziskave so lahko učiteljem in specialnim pedagogom v pomoč pri načrtovanju, oblikovanju in izvajanju pomoči na področju reševanja MBN z dodanimi nepomembnimi lingvističnimi in numeričnimi informacijami pri učencih z znaki ADHD in s sopojavljajočimi se učnimi težavami pri matematiki.


učenci;motnje pozornosti;hiperaktivnost;matematične besedilne naloge;metakognitivni treningi;samoinštrukcije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Horvat]
UDC: 376-053.6:373.32.016:51(043.2)
COBISS: 62138371 Link will open in a new window
Views: 243
Downloads: 22
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Metacognitive training to solve mathematical text problems of students with ADHD signs and learning difficulties in mathematics
Secondary abstract: Math text problems (MTP) are verbal descriptions of a problem, which demand one or more answers that can be solved with different mathematical operations of numerical informations. Processes such as understanding of described situation, recognizing of important information and relations between them and also correct calculation are needed for problem solving. Despite the fact that mathematical operations are automised, students could still have issues with solving text problems. Students with ADHD face different issues with solving MTP even more often because of their difficulties with executive functions and working memory, directing and mainting attention, recall of arithmetic facts, recognition of relevant information and inhibition of irrelevant information, following and planning computational steps, validity of calculation etc. In case of co-occurance of ADHD and learning difficulties in mathematics there can be even greater issuses with solving math word problems. In theoretical part of master thesis we introduced and defined ADHD, learning difficulties in mathematics, math text problems and different solving approaches. Here we focused on irrelevant linguistic and numerical informations included in MTPs which are especially disturbing for students with ADHD.We also presented knowledge or abilities needed for solving MTPs and how deficiencies in this areas affect MTP solving and added successful model for solving MTPs Solve it! which is also the corner stone of our empirical part. The main goal of our masters thesis was to form, perform and evaluate metacognitive training of solving MTPs at specific group of students with ADHD signs and learning difficulties in mathematics which was based on our first assesment of their capabilities in solving MTPs. The research was done as a case study since there were included 3 students from 5th grade. From those three, the boy and one of the girls were directed into customise implemented program with extensive professional help, and the other girls was in active process of directing. Before the training started we tested students with Ten minute test to determine automation of arithmetical facts and procedures, Test of computional and numerical abilities and Test of efficient MTP solving and paraphrasing. The last test was also used after the metacognitive training of solving MTPs was finished. The metacognitive training lasted 3 months and encompassed 24 sessions. The results of the test after training was finished showed significant progress in solving MTPs, while progress in paraphrasing MTPs hasn't been detected. Students achieved the most part od their set goals and the progress was also acknowledged by their professors of special and rehabilitation pedagogy. Theoretical basics and findings of empirical part of the researh described in masters thesis can be helpful for teachers and professors of special and rehabilitation pedagogy and can give helpful insight for planning, forming and implementing help in area of solving MTPs with added irrelevant linguistic and numerical informations for students with signs of ADHD and co-occuring learning dissabilities in math.
Secondary keywords: learning difficulty;primary education;mathematics;učne težave;osnovnošolski pouk;matematika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave
Pages: 84 str.
ID: 12867511