diplomsko delo
Nika Čižman (Author), Cecilija Lebar (Reviewer), Alenka Oven (Mentor)


Uvod: Že dolgo je znano, da imajo živali zaradi pozitivnih učinkov pomembno vlogo v življenju človeka, zato se uporabljajo tudi v terapevtske namene. Aktivnosti s pomočjo živali niso ciljno usmerjene in v obravnavi otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami doprinesejo h kakovosti njihovega življenja. Namen: Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali, kaj starši menijo o vključevanju njihovih otrok/mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami v aktivnosti s pomočjo živali, kako te aktivnosti po njihovem mnenju vplivajo na njihove otroke oziroma kako jih otroci doživljajo in ali opazijo kakšne učinke. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno raziskovanje. Izvedli smo polstrukturirane intervjuje s petimi starši otrok/mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami, ki so vključeni v aktivnosti s pomočjo živali. Rezultati: Zaradi bolezni imajo otroci/mladostniki težave na telesnem in duševnem področju ter pri vsakodnevnem delovanju, na kar ima vključevanje v aktivnosti z živalmi po mnenju staršev pozitiven učinek. Starši so glede vključitve otroka/mladostnika v aktivnosti s pomočjo živali imeli nekaj pomislekov in zadržkov. Poudarili so pomen aktivnosti s pomočjo živali za otroka in pozitivne učinke na otrokovo funkcioniranje, navedli so tudi prednosti in slabosti aktivnosti s pomočjo živali. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da aktivnosti s pomočjo živali pozitivno vplivajo na otroke/mladostnike s posebnimi potrebami tako na telesnem kot duševnem področju ter izboljšajo vsakodnevno delovanje. Te aktivnosti pozitivno vplivajo tudi na starše in na odnos med člani družine. Ugotovitve lahko pripomorejo k večjemu vključevanju aktivnosti z živalmi v vsakodnevno življenje in terapevtske obravnave otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami. Delovnim terapevtom bi bilo potrebno bolje predstaviti možnosti in prednosti uporabe aktivnosti z živalmi, ki bi jih posledično uporabili pri obravnavi otrok in mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami.


diplomska dela;delovna terapija;starši;posebne potrebe otroka in mladostnika;živali;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [N. Čižman]
UDC: 615.851
COBISS: 62236419 Link will open in a new window
Views: 431
Downloads: 118
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Parents' view on animal activity in children and adolescents with special needs
Secondary abstract: Introduction: It has long been known that due to positive effects, animals play an important role in human life and are, therefore, also used for therapeutic purposes. Animalassisted activities are not goal oriented and in the treatment of children and adolescent with special needs contribute to the quality of life. Purpose: The study identified what parents felt about integrating activities through animals into dealing with their children and adolescents with special needs, how they felt they affected their children/adolescents, how children/adolescents experience them or whether they noticed any effects. Methods: In the thesis, we used qualitative research. We conducted semi-structured interviews with five parents of children/adolescents with special needs involved in animal-assisted activities. Results: Due to the disease, children/adolescents have problems in physical and mental health and their day-to-day, functioning, on which, according to the parent, engaging in activities with animals has a positive effect. Parents had some concerns and reservations about the involvement of the child/adolescent in animal-assisted activities. They stressed the importance of animal-assisted activity for the child and the positive effects on the child’s functioning, and they also listed the advantages and disadvantages of animalassisted activity. Discussion and conclusion: We found that animal activities have a positive impact on children/adolescents with special needs in both physical and mental areas and improve daily functioning. These activities also have a positive impact on parents and the relationship between family members. The findings can help to increase the integration of animal activities into daily life and the treatment of children and adolescents with special needs. Occupational therapists should be better able to present the possibilities and benefits of using activities with animals under treatment which would consequently be used in the treatment of children and adolescents with special needs.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;occupational therapy;parents;special needs of the child and adolescent;animals;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za delovno terapijo
Pages: 38 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 12867785