diplomsko delo
Anja Česen (Author), Ana Polona Mivšek (Reviewer), Mojca Jevšnik (Mentor)


Uvod: Zagotavljanje varnosti živil v času nosečnosti je pomembno za preprečevanje bolezni, ki se prenašajo s hrano, zlasti listerioze in toksoplazmoze, ki imata škodljive posledice ne le za nosečnico ampak tudi za plod. Namen: S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika ugotoviti znanje nosečnic in mamic po porodu ter na podlagi ugotovitev anketnega vprašalnika, pregleda literature in primerjave brošur ugotovitve kritično obdelati ter oblikovati uporabni brošuri, ki bosta služili kot pripomoček v babiški praksi. Metode dela: V prvem delu diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena opisna metoda dela s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature na temo zagotavljanje varnosti živil v času nosečnosti in po porodu. Avtorica je literaturo pridobila s pomočjo podatkovnih baz: COBBIS, DiKUL, PubMed, CINAHL in Google Scholar. Ugotavljanje znanja in uporabo le-tega pri rokovanju z živili pri nosečnicah in mamicah po porodu smo izvedli s spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom. Spletni anketni vprašalnik je v celoti izpolnilo 426 žensk, od tega 145 nosečih, 191 nenosečih in 90 mamic po porodu (do 6 tednov po porodu). Rezultati: Večina nosečnic v naši raziskavi ima boljše znanje o zagotavljanju varnosti živil v času nosečnosti kot nosečnice v tuji raziskavi. Večina nosečnic si v času nosečnosti ne pripravlja in ne uživa živil tveganih za mikrobiološko okužbo. 77,9 % nosečnic se zaveda, da ima v času nosečnosti povečano tveganje za okužbo s parazitom Toxoplasma gondii, kar 34,5 % nosečnic pa ne ve, da ima v času nosečnosti povečano tveganje za okužbo z bakterijo Listeria monocytogenes. Večina žensk ne meri temperature v domačem hladilniku in taja zamrznjeno hrano na neustrezen način, največkrat na kuhinjskem pultu pri sobni temperaturi. 83,3 % mamic po porodu ve, da je potrebno neuporabljeno pogreto materino mleko zavreči. Razprava in zaključek: Ženske bi bilo potrebno še bolj informirati o zagotavljanju varnosti živil v domačem okolju. Predvsem pa bi bilo potrebno razmisliti, kako bi lahko diplomirane babice ozaveščale in podajale relevantne informacije o zagotavljanju varnosti živil nosečnicam in mamicam po porodu.


diplomska dela;babištvo;nosečnost;varnost živil;rokovanje z živili;izbrizgano materino mleko;mlečna formula;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [A. Česen]
UDC: 618.2/.7
COBISS: 65122819 Link will open in a new window
Views: 567
Downloads: 101
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Ensuring food safety during pregnancy and postpartum
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Ensuring food safety during pregnancy is important for the prevention of foodborne diseases, especially listeriosis and toxoplasmosis, which have detrimental consequences not only for the pregnant woman but also for the foetus. Purpose: With the help of a questionnaire to determine the knowledge of pregnant women and mothers after childbirth and on the basis of the questionnaire, literature review and comparison of brochures to critically process findings and create useful brochures that will serve as a tool in midwifery practice. Methods: In the first part of the thesis, a descriptive method of work was used with a review of scientific and professional literature on the topic of ensuring food safety during pregnancy and after childbirth. The author obtained the literature with the help of databases: COBBIS, DiKUL, PubMed, CINAHL, and Google Scholar. Determining the knowledge and using it in handling food in pregnant women and mothers after childbirth was performed with an online survey questionnaire. The online survey questionnaire was completed in full by 426 women, of whom 145 women were pregnant, 191 non-pregnant and 90 were postpartum (up to 6 weeks postpartum). Results: Most pregnant women in our study have better knowledge of food safety during pregnancy than pregnant women in the foreign study. Most pregnant women do not prepare and consume foods that carry a risk of microbial infection during pregnancy. 77.9% of pregnant women are aware that they have an increased risk of infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii during pregnancy, while 34.5% of pregnant women do not know whether they have an increased risk of infection with the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes during pregnancy. Most women do not measure the temperature in the home refrigerator and defrost frozen food in an inappropriate way, most often on the kitchen counter at room temperature. 83.3% of mothers after childbirth know that unused heated breast milk should be discarded. Discussion and conclusion: Women should be further informed about ensuring food safety in the home environment. Above all, consideration should be given to how graduated midwives could raise awareness and provide relevant information on ensuring food safety for pregnant women and mothers after childbirth.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;midwifery;pregnancy;food safety;food handling;expressed breast milk;infant formula;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za babištvo
Pages: 76 str., [49] str. pril.
ID: 12954416