prispevek majhne nacije k svetovni dediščini prihodnosti


Prispevek obravnava prihodnost kulturne dediščine glede na teorijo kozmopolitske Evrope. Avtorica s primerom romana Ferija Lainščka Nedotakljivi pokaže, kakšno vlogo ima lahko pri tem literatura in predvsem spomin majhnih narodov, ki je naklonjen ustvarjanju pluralnih podob preteklosti. S tem se tudi kritično opredeli do sodobnih pogledov na kozmopolitizacijo evropske dediščine, ki izpostavljajo odprtost do tujstva in drugosti kot temelj demokratičnega razvoja. S primerom konstrukcije tujstva Romov pokaže, da učinki takšne kozmopolitizacije niso nujno demokratični. Namesto tega izpostavi tradicijo humorja in avtoironije, ki jo kot primerno podlago demokratičnemu razvoju zagovarjajo tudi podpisniki manifesta We are Europe.


slovenska književnost;slovenski pisatelji;kulturna zgodovina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 821.163.6.09-31Lainšček F.:930.85(4=214.58).09
COBISS: 54744418 Link will open in a new window
Views: 285
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The paper discusses the future of the cultural heritage in the light of the theory of cosmopolitan Europe. In the case of Feri Lainšček's novel Nedotakljivi, the author shows what role is played in this regard by literature, especially the memory of small nations that is inclined towards creating multiple images of the past. A critical stance is also taken towards contemporary views of the cosmopolitanisation of the European heritage that see openness towards foreignness and otherness as the foundation of democratic development. The case of the construction of the foreignness of the Roma shows that the effects of such cosmopolitanisation are not necessarily democratic. Instead of this, an emphasis is placed on the tradition of humour and self-irony, which is proposed as a suitable basis for democratic development by the signatories of the manifesto We are Europe.
Secondary keywords: Slovenian literature;Slovenian writers;cultural history;
Pages: Str. 85-92
ID: 12977396
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