magistrsko delo
Laura Anderlič (Author), Vlasta Hus (Mentor), Polona Jančič (Co-mentor)


Kulturna dediščina predstavlja pomemben del našega življenja. V magistrskem delu je predstavljen vpogled v sodelovanje osnovnih šol z lokalnim okoljem oziroma pripadniki starejše generacije glede vsebin kulturne dediščine. Diplomsko delo je sestavljena iz dveh delov, in sicer iz teoretičnega in empiričnega. Teoretični del magistrskega dela zajema izbrane vsebine in nekatere znanstvene ugotovitve o kulturni dediščini, poučevanju kulturne dediščine v osnovnih šolah in vključevanju lokalnega okolja v poučevanje teh vsebin. V empiričnem delu smo z anketnim vprašalnikom preverili stališča in mnenja pripadnikov starejše generacije o poučevanju kulturne dediščine v osnovnih šolah. Zanimalo nas je, kako opredeljujejo kulturno dediščino, kakšen odnos imajo do nje ter njihovo vključevanje v prenašanje kulturne dediščine domačim. Večina pripadnikov starejše generacije meni, da je v osnovnih šolah v Sloveniji premalo poučevanja in vpletanja vsebin kulturne dediščine v pouk in da imajo učitelji in učenci radi vsebine, ki so povezane s kulturno dediščino. Ugotovili smo, da je pri otrocih pomembno spodbujati zavest o kulturni dediščini. Večina pripadnikov starejše generacije prenaša kulturno dediščino svojim potomcem, zelo malo pa se le-ta prenaša na način sodelovanja z osnovnimi šolami in društvi. Ob besedni zvezi kulturna dediščina se anketirani najprej spomnijo na materialne stvari, pomeni pa jim vrednoto, ohranjanje in domovinsko zavest.


diplomska dela;kulturna dediščina;lokalno okolje;osnovne šole;didaktika;družboslovje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Anderlič]
UDC: 373.3:719(043.2)
COBISS: 71527939 Link will open in a new window
Views: 801
Downloads: 125
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Inclusion of the Local Community in Addressing Cultural Heritage Topics at Primary Education Level
Secondary abstract: Cultural heritage represents an important part of our lives. The master's thesis presents an insight into the synergy between primary schools as well as local communities, particularly members of the older generation, regarding the content of cultural heritage. The thesis consists of two parts; theoretical and empirical. The former covers selected topics and some scientific findings regarding cultural heritage, teaching cultural heritage in primary schools and involvement of the local environment in the process of teaching these topics. The latter consists of a questionnaire with which we surveyed views and opinions of members of the older generation regarding the teaching of cultural heritage in primary schools. We were interested in how they define cultural heritage, their attitude towards it and their involvement in the conveyance of cultural heritage to their family members. Most members of the older generation believe that there is this inadequacy when it comes to teaching cultural heritage and its involvement in Slovenian primary schools, considering that teachers and students like the content related to cultural heritage. We found that it is important to encourage the awareness of cultural heritage among children. Most members of the older generation impart their cultural heritage onto their descendants, yet very little of that is transmitted through cooperation with primary schools and local associations. When it comes to the phrase "cultural heritage", the respondents first think of material things; however, the phrase also holds value, preservation and patriotic consciousness.
Secondary keywords: theses;cultural heritage;loccal community;primary schools;didactics;social sciences;Otroci in okolje;Kooperacija;Osnovnošolsko izobraževanje;Kulturna dediščina;Patriotizem;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: XIII, 63 f.
ID: 12991491