magistrsko delo
Mihaela Kosi (Author), Jernej Belak (Mentor)


Kultura, etika in verodostojnost so vedno bolj pomembna za podjetja in brez njih samo podjetje ne more uspešno poslovati in dosegati zastavljenih ciljev. Po drugi strani pa nenehne spremembe v poslovnem okolju silijo podjetja k ukrepom za prilagajanje poslovne politike k obvladovanju razvojne krize. Pri tem je za dosego konkurenčne prednosti odgovoren najvišje usposobljen management s prepoznavanjem poslovnih priložnosti. Za pričakovano rast in razvoj podjetja je temeljno prepoznati fazo razvoja življenjskega cikla in na podlagi te ocene lahko uporabimo ustrezno politiko podjetja. V magistrskem delu smo raziskali dejavnike uveljavljanja kulture, verodostojnosti v podjetju in dinamizacijo podjetja ter njihov vpliv na uspešnost in krize podjetja. Za namen magistrske naloge smo izbrali podjetje Petrol d.d., ki velja za veliko podjetje in predstavlja trgovanje z naftnimi derivati, plinom in ostalimi energenti, s katerimi ustvarja več kot 80 odstotkov vseh prihodkov od prodaje. V magistrski nalogi smo raziskali dejavnike uveljavljanja verodostojnosti in njihov vpliv na uspešnost podjetja Petrol d.d. Preučili smo temeljne vrednote podjetja, tip kulture, tip klime podjetja in formalne ter neformalne dejavnike uveljavljanja verodostojnosti. Prav tako smo analizirali dinamičnost podjetja in življenjski cikel podjetja Petrol d.d. Značilno za dinamična podjetja je aktivno spremljanje dogajanja na trgu ter iskanje poslovnih priložnosti, ob tem pa se mora vodstvo s tehtnimi odločitvami izogniti morebitnim krizam. Uspešnost podjetja smo analizirali na osnovi izbranih ekonomskih in neekonomskih kazalnikov uspešnosti. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge smo za izbrano podjetje izvedli analize raziskovanja tipa kulture po metodologiji Camrona in Quinna (1999), moč kulture po teoriji Thommenove metode (2003), etično klimo podjetja po metodologiji Victorja in Cullena (1988) ter preučevanje verodostojnosti po teoriji Thommenove metode (2003). Za analizo razvojne stopnje podjetja smo uporabili metodologijo Pümpina in Prangeja (1995), s katero smo ugotovili, v kateri fazi življenjskega cikla se podjetje nahaja. Na podlagi razultatov smo obravnavali, ali je mogoče zaznati razvojno krizo, kot sta jo opredelila Pümpi in Prange (1995) in opredelitev faz podjetniške krize po Kropfbergerju (2003). Zadnji del raziskave temelji na analizi dinamičnosti podjetja in uspešnosti podjetja.


kultura podjetja;razvoj podjetja;uspešnost poslovanja;dinamičnost podjetja;krizni management;poslovna etika;verodostojnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Kosi]
UDC: 005.73
COBISS: 90102531 Link will open in a new window
Views: 244
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of the company's credibility, culture and dynamism on crisis and success of the company
Secondary abstract: Culture, ethics and credibility are increasingly important in business, and without all three a company may not operate successfully to achieve its objectives. Additonally, constant changes in the business environment are forcing companies to continuously adjust their corporate politics to avoid or manage development crises. In order to achieve a competitive advantage, specialized management is responsible for turning potential crises into business opportunities. The foundational step in projecting a company's growth and development is to identify which stage of the development life cycle it is in. The appropriate corporate policies are then applied by the company depending on its identified stage. In this masters thesis we investigated the factors of company culture, credibility and effective dynamization on the basis of impacts toward both the success and crises of the company. For the purpose of this masters thesis we chose the company Petrol d.d., which is considered a large company and represents trade in the petroluem industry. Petrol d.d. generates more than 80 percent of its sales and revenues from petroleum products, such as gas and other energy sources. In this masters thesis, we analyzed the factors of credibility and their impact on the performance of Petrol d.d. We analyzed the core values of the company, the type of culture, the nature of the company climate, and the formal and informal factors of asserting credibility. We also analyzed the dynamism of Petrol d.d. over the life cycle of the company. It is typical for dynamic companies to actively monitor markets of development, in which the management must look for business opportunities while avoiding possible crises with correct decisions. The company's performance was analyzed on the basis of selected economic and non-economic performance indicators. In the empirical section of this masters thesis we performed analysis of Petrol d.d.'s culture type according to the research methodology of Camron and Quinn (1999), conclude Petrol d.d. posseses a power culture according to the theory of Thommen's method (2003), evaluate the ethical climate of the company according to the methodology of Victor and Cullen (1988), and study Petrol d.d.'s credibility according to Thommen's methods (2003). To catagorize the development stage of the company we used the methodology of Pümpin and Prange (1995), in turn determining the stage of the company's life cycle. Based on the results we considered whether or not a developmental crisis, as defined by Pümpi and Prange (1995) and the definition of the phases of the entrepreneurial crisis according to Kropfberger (2003), could be detected. The final section of this research is based on the analysis of the dynamism of the company and the performance of the company.
Secondary keywords: company;corporate;business;culture;credibility;dynamization;developmental phases;crisis management;performance.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: V, 114 str.
ID: 12995656